032 Terese Talk: Thinking Truth

032 Terese Talk: Thinking Truth

Have you ever been lied to? Chances are you’re lied to on a daily basis by the Father of Lies. Satan is an enemy of God who wants you to weaken in your faith. Don’t let him. In this episode, you’ll learn some strategies to help you spot lies and replace them with the truth.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2Corinthians 10:5

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2

There are a couple of books I have read that can help walk you through the process of using truth to change your thinking. One is “Get Out Of Your Head” by Jennie Allen. She talks a lot about the spiral of thoughts we can get ourselves wrapped up in, and how to flip that spiral to go towards God. I talked to Jennie about her book in Episode 4 of Terese Talk. Another book that I’ve just started reading is “Truthfilled” by Ruth Chou Simons. Both do an excellent job at pointing you towards scripture to replace the lies in your head with the truth from God’s Word.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

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