Category: Family Life News

News features from a Biblical perspective.

Capital Connection – 3/08/24

Capital Connection – 3/08/24

The Disastrous Rollout of Marijuana Inc.  in New York

A Christian Perspective to the IVF Debate

Protecting Election Integrity

Previewing Legislative Day 2024


Christian watchdogs Jason McGuire and Dan Bartkowiak discuss the weighty issues in the news from the state capitals in Albany and Harrisburg.  Here’s what’s going on this week …on Family Life’s “Capital Connection”.


Strong Christian Movies – Angel Studios – “Cabrini” – 3/07/24

Strong Christian Movies – Angel Studios – “Cabrini” – 3/07/24

Angel Studios is bringing Christian entertainment to the mainstream.

Their latest production is even gathering some Oscar Buzz from film critics, even before the March 8 world premiere. Cabrini is the life story of an Italian immigrant in New York a century ago. Francesca Cabrini fought against poverty, gender and ethnic biases, and the “powers that be” of New York City to serve underprivileged children, starting an “empire of hope”.

Jared Geesey is Chief Distribution Officer for Angel Studios. In this special interview with Family Life’s Greg Gillispie, Geesey talks about the Angel Studios process of selecting only the best stories to tell, how traditional Hollywood is missing out on a huge audience by ignoring faith-centered films, and offers a preview of the Cabrini movie.

Angel Studios has run up a string of critically-acclaimed, multi-million-dollar blockbusters like The Chosen, Sound of Freedom, and Cabrini. They also produce clean stand-up comedy with Dry Bar Comedy, children’s programming like Tuttle Twins, and Bible-based dramas such as Testament and David.

Cabrini was filmed in Buffalo, New York (and Rome, Italy) starting in 2021, and in this expanded interview, Geesey also makes mention of the local scenery which was (with the magic of moviemaking) transformed into early 20th-Century New York.  Cristiana Dell’Anna and John Lithgow are among the stars.


Step Up Your Health – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual – 3/06/24

Step Up Your Health – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual – 3/06/24


Your mental health affects your physical health.

A body’s malady affects mental and spiritual health.

Stress plays out in tangible symptoms and increased risk of disease.

Our guest on this Family Life News Feature is one of three speakers at the “Step Up Your Health” one-day seminar at the Family Life auditorium on Saturday, March 9.

Dr. Josephine Ellis says human beings are created as one unified whole. Our bodies, minds and souls all interact with and affect each other. She tells us that the epidemic of mental health concerns is real. Stress at home, in relationships or at work also play out in physical ways.

She offers advice for people looking to enhance your health. Dr. Ellis seeks to emphasize “good health” as more than the absence of disease, but as the positive presence of good health and uplifting habits. In this podcast, she describes what she describes at the “Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine”. To make these lifestyle changes happen long-term, she says a person should focus on one small habit and let it grow into new patterns.

Dr. Ellis encourages all patients to openly discuss not only physical health, but when you go for an annual checkup or another office visit, to talk about how you are doing emotionally and mentally. 


Details about this event, including availability of remaining tickets are available online at FamilyLife.org/events. If you are not attending, or listening to this podcast after March 9, Dr. Ellis still has important information and advice that continues to have value for your consideration.