Category: Family Life News

News features from a Biblical perspective.

Issues in Education – Fewer students, Higher expenditures – 2/12/24

Issues in Education – Fewer students, Higher expenditures – 2/12/24

Enrollments at public schools continues to drop, drastically in some districts. The causes are numerous: population declines, lower birth rates, and the move to charter, private and home schooling.

Dr. Ralph Kerr of the Teaching and Learning Institute discusses the weighty issues in the news as they pertain to public education in this ongoing Family Life series. This week on “Issues in Education”:

  • Rethinking Education Aid in NY
  • The 3 Greatest Challenges Facing PA Schools
  • Why Run as a candidate for your local School Board



Capital Connection – 2/09/24

Capital Connection – 2/09/24

New York’s lawyers’ group says doctors should assist in suicides.

A gun-rights rally in Pennsylvania draws media attention — and a prominent political candidate

How can parents opposed to the actions of the trans-gender movement stand up for their own families?


Each Friday, Family Life’s “Capital Connection” feature talks with leading pro-family advocates who lobby at the state capitols in Harrisburg and Albany. Listen for this 10-minute analysis from Jason McGuire (executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms) and Michael Geer (president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute).


Both of these organizations have additional videos, podcasts, commentary and position papers. They are available through the tabs below.

NY:       PA: 

Super Bowl Sunday – A Faith-Based Vantage Point – Paul Asay – 2/09/24

Super Bowl Sunday – A Faith-Based Vantage Point – Paul Asay – 2/09/24

With 70 percent of American TV households plugged in, the Super Bowl draws millions of eyeballs, adjusts peoples social schedules, and dominates public discussion throughout an early February weekend. It consistently is #1-watched TV show of the year. (Plus all that doesn’t even include the people who listen on the radio, watch through streaming, or just look up the Super Bowl ads on the internet!)

Family Life News talked with movie & television reviewer Paul Asay about how the Super Bowl broadcast has become such a huge event. We especially wanted a faith-based angle on the hype, from this editor of the Christian media site Plugged In.

Paul Asay gives his take on how massive the Super Bowl has become, including its role as one of the few broadcasts which remind us of a “monolithic culture…where people would all watch the same sitcoms and same adventure shows.” There are lessons from the Big Game weekend for Christian individuals and households, as well as for churches.

Another Family Life Interview about the Super Bowl, its commercials, and its hype aired Thursday (February 7).  Hear commentary from Robert Thompson, the well-respected Television & Culture professor at Syracuse University. That conversation is available separately on the Family Life news podcasts page.

Making Sense of the Super Bowl Hype – Robert Thompson – 2/08/24

Making Sense of the Super Bowl Hype – Robert Thompson – 2/08/24

It annually is the biggest American television program of the year.  (Not even counting the global audience.)

It’s commercials are anticipated, reviewed, over-analyzed, and cost $7,000,000 for 30 seconds.

Even even non-football-fans get drawn into the hype.

Businesses and churches and groups adjust their schedules to avoid conflicting with one of the nation’s hugest non-holiday holidays.

The Super Bowl has come to have a massive influence on American society. For perspectives on how the game became so big, Family Life’s Greg Gillispie talks with Robert Thompson, an expert of television and its effects on culture. Among the topics:

  • How the calendar and the NFL’s creativity have moved Super Bowl Sunday to such a national festival day
  • What is it that makes Super Bowl commercials such a topic of conversation
  • Why those advertisers see enough value to make it worth paying so much to buy the ad slot and produce a “film-festival-worthy” commercial
  • How the Super Bowl has become one of the few “shared experiences” Americans have, in our fractured media landscape


Robert Thompson is director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University.  He teaches courses on the impact of media and has written five books and edited an ongoing series about television and society.



Also from Family Life’s News Podcasts:  Paul Asay of “Plugged In” offers his insights on Super Bowls — including a Christian angle on the widespread popularity of the Super Bowl as a national event, how we need a few shared experiences across a wide swath of the culture, and how Christian messages like “HeGetsUs” can share the Gospel with millions in a single broadcast. Listen for that additional interview here.


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