Category: Family Life News

News features from a Biblical perspective.

Real Answers – Parents & Children & Social Media – 2/07/24

Real Answers – Parents & Children & Social Media – 2/07/24

“Start early. Monitor closely your children’s online activities. Be consistent with enforcement of online rules you as a parent set in place.”

Parents have more authority over what shows on their children’s video screens than social media titans do.

So says Christian counselor Christopher Anderson.

Last week, in a captivating day of Capitol Hill testimony, Congress and the general public heard from the CEOs of the five largest social media companies in the nation.

This week, Family Life’s “Real Answers” podcast gives you Anderson’s take on how video games and social media affect children and teens. He also gives you encouragement on how your family can reduce the downsides — of online content and on online time.

Family Life Home Towns – Jefferson County PA – 2/06/24

Family Life Home Towns – Jefferson County PA – 2/06/24

The week of Ground Hog Day is an opportune time to visit Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.

Punxatawney, Brookville, and the rest of the region have lots of natural wonder, ties to history, and at least two major sports figures who made claims to fame in their careers. Find out about Cook Forest and Clear Creek State Park, Sparky Lyle and Chuck Daly, and the unique history of a site called Scripture Rocks.

Our “Hometowns” series gives you a radio-tour of the communities which make up the Family Life listening area in Pennsylvania and New York.  Your tour guide is Family Life news anchor Mark Webster.

Issues in Education – 2/05/24

Issues in Education – 2/05/24

Feds have delayed FAFSA forms, for college-bound students

Paying parents to get their children to go to school

Changing Columbus Day and Veterans Day on some schools’ calendars


Education consultant Dr. Ralph Kerr discusses the weighty issues in education.  He’s founder and president of the Teaching and Learning Institute which exists to get Christians involved in their local public schools.


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