Category: If That Makes Sense

“If That Makes Sense” is a podcast with a group of young adults talking about some of the questions and challenges their generation faces as followers of Jesus.

If That Makes Sense – 73: The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8)

If That Makes Sense – 73: The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8)

For one woman, Jesus silenced a condemnation-craving mob. He does the same in the face of our accuser for everyone who calls him “Lord” today.  Merri, Becki and Tim look at the story of the woman caught in adultery from John 7:53 – 8:11.

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If That Makes Sense – 72: Knowing the Word, but Missing God (John 7)

If That Makes Sense – 72: Knowing the Word, but Missing God (John 7)

Trusting what you think about the Bible isn’t the same as trusting the God Who it’s about. The Pharisees make that clear, as Tately, Jesse and Tim dig into John 7:25-52.

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If That Makes Sense – 71: Much Muttering (John 7)

If That Makes Sense – 71: Much Muttering (John 7)

Did Jesus ever change his mind? What did his earthly family think of him? And why did the Pharisees say he was possessed? Lydia, Jim and Tim tackle some of the unexpected questions that come up from John 7:1-24

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If That Makes Sense – 70: Tough Teachings (John 6)

If That Makes Sense – 70: Tough Teachings (John 6)

If the Bible has ever confused you, Jesus’ audiences felt like that too sometimes!  Hope, Mike and Tim look at Jesus’ tough teachings in John 6:43-71.

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If That Makes Sense – 68: Jesus Walks on Water (John 6)

If That Makes Sense – 68: Jesus Walks on Water (John 6)

It was no random miracle when Jesus walked on water.  Tately, Robbie and Tim find some unfamiliar observations about our storm-calming God in a familiar Gospel account. (John 6:16-24)

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If That Makes Sense – 67: Feeding the 5000 (John 6)

If That Makes Sense – 67: Feeding the 5000 (John 6)

When Jesus fed 5000+ people, he was reenacting a miracle from earlier in your Bible. Merri, Jesse and Tim look at having faith in God to provide. (John 6:1-15)

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If That Makes Sense – 66: What Jesus Thinks of Me (John 5)

If That Makes Sense – 66: What Jesus Thinks of Me (John 5)

Who do we think Jesus is? What does Jesus “think” about us? His opinion = reality! Jesus keeps confronting religious leaders as Jesse, Becki, and Tim finish looking at John 5. (John 5:31-47)

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If That Makes Sense – 65: Jesus and the Father (John 5)

If That Makes Sense – 65: Jesus and the Father (John 5)

Jesus is fully man and fully God. We can’t be afraid to wrestle with that mystifying reality! In John 5, Jesus confronts the Pharisees—and us today—with his astounding and loyalty-demanding true identity. (John 5:16-30)

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If That Makes Sense – 64: Life On Jesus’ Terms (John 4, 5)

If That Makes Sense – 64: Life On Jesus’ Terms (John 4, 5)

From the truth he preached to the people he associated with, Jesus lived on God’s terms, not man’s. Mike, Becki, and Tim look at two healings of Jesus’ that stunned the world. (John 4:43-54; 5:1-18)

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