Category: If That Makes Sense

“If That Makes Sense” is a podcast with a group of young adults talking about some of the questions and challenges their generation faces as followers of Jesus.

Ep43: The Struggle (with Sin) is Real (Romans 7)

Ep43: The Struggle (with Sin) is Real (Romans 7)

You’re a believer, but you continue to struggle with sin. Why is it so hard to do the right thing? If that describes you, you’re in good company with the Apostle Paul! Tately, Mike and Tim are talking about Romans 7.

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Ep42: The Dead Part of You (Romans 6)

Ep42: The Dead Part of You (Romans 6)

“I’m not hurting anybody.”  Actually, our “small,” secret sins hurt us and our relationship with God.  If our sin-ruled self died by Christ’s work on the cross, why would we return to it?  Tim, Becki and Robbie talk about pursuing life in Christ.

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Ep41: Grace Wins Hands Down (Romans 5)

Ep41: Grace Wins Hands Down (Romans 5)

Yes, God’s grace really is that big.  From the first sin of Adam to your last unkind thought, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross does more than just cancel out the bad stuff we humans do – so much more!  Lydia, Mike and Tim are talking about the “more” of God’s grace.

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Ep40: God’s Enemies (Romans 5)

Ep40: God’s Enemies (Romans 5)

In war, sometimes the only way to survive is surrender, putting yourself at the mercy of your enemy.  That’s kind of like the Christian life.  We’re marveling at God’s forgiveness in Romans 5: “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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Ep39: It’s About the Heart (Romans 4)

Ep39: It’s About the Heart (Romans 4)

It’s in our nature to want to prove ourselves – even before God.  The bad news: you can’t possibly measure up.  The good news: you can’t possibly measure up!  That’s where a faith like Abraham’s – faith in God’s promises – saves the day.  Our hosts dive into Romans chapter four.

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Ep38: Finally, Some Good News! (Romans 3)

Ep38: Finally, Some Good News! (Romans 3)

No matter how long you’ve been a Christian, it’s essential to be reminded what you’ve been saved from – and what you’ve been saved to!  We’re looking at Romans 3 for what it really means to be saved and why the gospel is the whole world’s “good news.”

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Ep37: Judging Others (Romans 2)

Ep37: Judging Others (Romans 2)

We have a judgement problem. From labeling others on social media, to looking down on those who aren’t as “righteous” as we think we are, to outright refusals to call evil what it is, we all desperately need God’s truth in our judgements. Tim, Mike and Tately take a look at Romans chapter 2.  

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Ep36: Same Sex Attraction (Romans 1)

Ep36: Same Sex Attraction (Romans 1)

The confusion surrounding today’s conversations on sexuality can be overwhelming.  But God’s Word provides the most loving (if not always the easiest) truth for a flourishing life!  How does the book of Romans inform our response to same-sex attraction?

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Ep35: We Know Better… (Romans 1)

Ep35: We Know Better… (Romans 1)

It’s a new episode series for If That Makes Sense, where we explore what the book of Romans has to say to our lives and the world today. Starting us off, Tim, Becki and Robbie look at the ways God has made each one of us to know right from wrong… even if we deny it.

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S2 Finale: The Digital Media Diet

S2 Finale: The Digital Media Diet

Season 2 wraps up with a special interview episode; season 3 is around the corner this Spring!

From headlines to streaming shows to, yes, podcasts, there’s no doubt we’re consuming more media now than ever before.  Christians can’t afford to approach their digital media diet uncritically.  Brett McCracken, author of The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World, joins Mike and Tim for a special episode about what we’re putting into our minds, how it’s shaping us, and what wisdom brings to the table in today’s online all-you-can-eat environment.


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