Category: If That Makes Sense

“If That Makes Sense” is a podcast with a group of young adults talking about some of the questions and challenges their generation faces as followers of Jesus.

Episode 28: “Good Christian Homes”

Episode 28: “Good Christian Homes”

If That Makes Sense is back for season two with more conversations about the real experiences, struggles and joys of following Jesus as young adults!  Growing up in a Christian home is a huge blessing, but it’s not without its unique challenges.  Maybe you knew all about Jesus from childhood before you knew him as your personal Savior?  If you’ve ever felt like you don’t have an “exciting” testimony, felt like you weren’t saved from any “big” sins, or if Veggie Tales just makes you nostalgic, have we got an episode for you!

Episode 27: Difficult Conversations (Season One Finale)

Episode 27: Difficult Conversations (Season One Finale)

Sensitive issues divide us every day, but would happen if we didn’t make it about “us vs. them”?  And how do you lovingly challenge people on your own “side”?  In the Season One finale of Family Life’s original podcast for young adults, the hosts of If That Makes Sense talk about why it’s important to have conversations within the faith about life’s tough topics.  Find and subscribe to If That Makes Sense when you go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Family Life dot ORG.

Episode 26: What Makes The Bible Special

Episode 26: What Makes The Bible Special

What does it mean when we say that the Bible is “living and active”, and how can we be “in the Word” more? Those are the questions being answered in the latest episode of “If That Makes Sense”, a Family Life original podcast for young adults. Listen and subscribe at Apple podcasts, Spotify, or Family Life dot ORG.

Episode 25: God’s Good Earth

Episode 25: God’s Good Earth

Genesis says that God has given humanity “dominion” over the Earth.  What does that even mean?  And what does it look like to glorify God and love our neighbor through our interactions with each other? Those are the questions being answered in this episode of “If That Makes Sense”, a Family Life original podcast for young adults. Listen, subscribe, and share with your friends!

Episode 23: Called To Serve

Episode 23: Called To Serve

The Christian life is a call to service that can feel intimidating and overwhelming at times.  But God has given us all the tools we need!  Find out how you can bless others with what God has given you when you listen to this episode of “If That Makes Sense”, a Family Life original podcast for young adults. If you’d like to hear future episodes, be sure to subscribe at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or FamilyLife.org!


Episode 22: When 2021 Feels Like 2020

Episode 22: When 2021 Feels Like 2020

It’s been a year since the pandemic hit the US at large, and we’re asking ourselves, what God has taught each of us? When our world still feels fearful and divided, what are those truths we can hold on to? Those are the questions our 20-something hosts of Family Life’s original podcast for young adults “If That Makes Sense” will try to answer in this episode.

Episode 24: Heaven and the Resurrection

Episode 24: Heaven and the Resurrection

Resurrection through Christ is the hope of eternity for every believer. What exciting things do we have to look forward to in heaven, and how do we live now in light of the resurrection to come? Those are the questions being answered in the latest episode of “If That Makes Sense”, a Family Life original podcast for young adults. Be sure to subscribe so you’re notified whenever new episodes are released!

Episode 20: Singleness

Episode 20: Singleness

A lot of young adult Christian singles are facing challenges not just from society, but from inside the church as well.  On the this episode of – If That Makes Sense – a Family Life original podcast, our 20-something hosts talk about how to embrace this season of life because God’s plan for singleness never means that you are “less than”.

Episode 19: The Persecuted Church

Episode 19: The Persecuted Church

The persecution of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe is a dark reality; but if we’re honest, do we really consider them as we ought?  What can we do to keep the suffering of the persecuted Church from being ‘out of sight, out of mind’?  And how do you help when a problem seems so daunting? Those are the questions our twenty-something hosts will try to answer in this episode of “If That Makes Sense”, a Family Life original podcast for your adults.


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