Category: The Parable Podcast

The Parable Podcast with Family Life on-air host Randy Snavely focuses on the parables of Jesus, the meaning of the lessons He taught, and why He taught them as He did, with commentary and discussion that makes them relevant to our listeners lives today. In this episode, Jesus talks about planting seeds.

The Parable Podcast Episode 05 – Leaven for Heaven, Part 1

The Parable Podcast Episode 05 – Leaven for Heaven, Part 1

The Parable Podcast with Family Life on-air host Randy Snavely focuses on the parables of Jesus, the meaning of the lessons He taught, and why He taught them as He did, with commentary and discussion that makes them relevant to our listeners lives today. In this episode, it’s part one of the story of a Little Leaven for Heaven

The Parable Podcast Ep. 04_The Wheat and the Weeds Part 2

The Parable Podcast Ep. 04_The Wheat and the Weeds Part 2

The Parable Podcast with Family Life on-air host Randy Snavely focuses on the parables of Jesus, the meaning of the lessons He taught, and why He taught them as He did, with commentary and discussion that makes them relevant to our listeners lives today. In this episode, we learn more about “separating the good from the bad”.

The Parable Podcast Ep. 03_The Wheat and the Weeds Part 1

The Parable Podcast Ep. 03_The Wheat and the Weeds Part 1

The Parable Podcast with Family Life on-air host Randy Snavely focuses on the parables of Jesus, the meaning of the lessons He taught, and why He taught them as He did, with commentary and discussion that makes them relevant to our listeners lives today. In this episode, Jesus talks about “separating the good from the bad”.

The Parable Podcast Episode 02: Hiding in Plain Sight (Part 2)

The Parable Podcast Episode 02: Hiding in Plain Sight (Part 2)

The Parable Podcast with Family Life on-air host Randy Snavely focuses on the parables of Jesus, the meaning of the lessons He taught, and why He taught them as He did, with commentary and discussion that makes them relevant to our listeners lives today. In this episode, we continue to dig into the lessons Jesus taught about planting seeds.

The Parable Podcast Episode 01: Hiding in Plain Sight (Part 1)

The Parable Podcast Episode 01: Hiding in Plain Sight (Part 1)

The Parable Podcast with Family Life on-air host Randy Snavely focuses on the parables of Jesus, the meaning of the lessons He taught, and why He taught them as He did, with commentary and discussion that makes them relevant to our listeners lives today. In this episode, Jesus talks about planting seeds.


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