Search Results for: missions

Missions in Action Ep.17

Poverty, malnutrition, and a loss of parents are common realities for children in Haiti. But Jonah Turner tells us how Hope for Haiti’s Children is working to nurture, educate, and train children through sponsorships, homes, and schooling that includes meals, skills for the future, and the hope of Jesus for each day.

Missions in Action Ep.16

Dr. Elliott Tenpenny, heads up the international health unit for Samaritan’s Purse. The health care team reaches out to hard-hit communities worldwide.  Earlier this year, the Christian relief group deployed its Emergency Field Hospital in NYC, where the coronavirus pandemic had overwhelmed the local medical capacity.

Missions in Action Ep.14

Recent police-involved deaths of African Americans have prompted police reform across the nation. Sentencing disparity and prison overcrowding are part of the issue. Prison Fellowship‘s Heather Rice-Minus lays out areas for change, along with ways volunteers can help inmates and families.

Missions in Action Ep.13

Amid the pandemic, Youth for Christ is using the ‘Inside Out’ Initiative to serve people. Young people “inside” at-risk youth facilities, are creating art projects and posters that will find their way “out” into New York City, offering hope to others. YFC leader Daniel Sanabria speaks with Family Life.

Missions in Action Ep.12

Help for the incarcerated. Prison Fellowship Field Director William Gallerani tells Family Life about the “Academy” training that addresses crime, life skills and addiction recovery for inmates. He shares coronavirus updates and volunteer options through Prison Fellowship.


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