Search Results for: Real Answers

Real Answers Ep.17

The shorter, cooler days are here, which means now is the time to make sure our mental health is in order. Christian counselor Christopher Anderson goes over some tips and advice on preparing for and dealing with seasonal depression.

Real Answers Ep.16

Wellness Check. How are we handling the current and upcoming challenges of this year? Christian counselor Chris Anderson gives advice on how we can overcome obstacles during this pandemic, and conquer the heated political season.

Real Answers Ep.15

What can students and parents do to prepare during this pandemic, as colleges reopen their campuses? What happens if a college kid gets the coronavirus after arriving on campus? Christian counselor Christopher Anderson answers.

Real Answers Ep.10

Why do we have to wait in the doctor’s office when we have a specific appointment time? And, how can we be better patients? Doctor Keith Gembusia of Bolivar, NY tells Christian counselor, Chris Anderson.

Real Answers Ep.9

It’s a challenge for those that live in rural communities…finding reliable healthcare. Christian counselor Chris Anderson speaks with Dr. Marlene Wust-Smith, a pediatrician in Coudersport, Pennsylvania, to get her take on the issue and to find out what can be done to overcome it.


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