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038: Ten Minutes With…Chip Ingram of Living on the Edge

038: Ten Minutes With…Chip Ingram of Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram, host of Living on the Edge heard weekdays at 12:30pm ET on Family Life, joins the Family Life team on Day 1 of Fall Sharathon to talk about how God uses radio to grow followers of Jesus and why He uses ordinary people to make extraordinary ministry moments happen.


037: Ten Minutes With…Rob West of Faith & Finance

037: Ten Minutes With…Rob West of Faith & Finance

Rob West, the host of Faith & Finance heard weeknights at 8pm ET on Family Life, offers a practical, biblical and good-natured approach to managing your time, talents, and resources. In this interview, he joins the Family Life team for Day 1 of Fall Sharathon to talk about God’s desire for us to share the blessings He has provided with others.


Proposition One – Will New Yorkers add new rights to the State Constitution? – 10/08/24

Proposition One – Will New Yorkers add new rights to the State Constitution? – 10/08/24

Proposition One – Will New Yorkers add new rights to the State Constitution? – 10/08/24

Empire State legislators have asked New York’s voters to amend the State Constitution.

With a title of the “Equal Rights Amendment” it is getting broad support as a means to lock in abortion as a protected activity. However many pro-family advocates across the political spectrum are now expressing concern about how Proposal One’s wording could open the door to transgender procedures with no parental notification, endangers women’s sports, and could add voting rights for non-citizens. Western New York State Senator George Borrello also tells us that, if this is approved by a majority this fall, it will create big business for attorneys who will file many more lawsuits related to the new Constitutional protections.

Borrello is among the organizers for a public information forum on Prop One. That public meeting was Tuesday (October 8) in Corning, New York. He spoke Wednesday morning about the issues with Bob Price of Family Life News.


For further information:

The official text of this proposed Constitutional Amendment: NY Board of Elections website

The New York Times article to which the senator refers

Other analysis of the implications of this “Equal Rights Amendment”:  Olean Times HeraldWSJNYCLUNYFA





#newsmaker interview

If That Makes Sense – 88: Jesus and the Traitor (John 13)

If That Makes Sense – 88: Jesus and the Traitor (John 13)

Jesus served with, lived with, and loved someone he knew would betray him. Merri, Tim, and new host Michael consider Judas…and all of us. (John 13:18-30)

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Issues in Education – Tech, Student Behavior, SATs – 10/07/24

Issues in Education – Tech, Student Behavior, SATs – 10/07/24

Issues in Education

An on-air feature and podcast from Family Life News – 10/07/2024

Kids Behaving Badly

The S-A-T

Helping Rural Schools Keep Up with Technology


Dr. Ralph Kerr at the “Teaching and Learning Institute” discusses education “trends” and topics of interest that impact our public schools. Listen for “Issues in Education” on alternating Mondays on during Family Life’s newscasts and podcasts.



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