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141 Rise Up: Listening

141 Rise Up: Listening

Sometimes it’s one of the most loving things we can do. Anybody can do it, but it’ll take a little work! Steve and Tim talk about listening.

Then: What happens when you take your Bible somewhere unexpected?

Rise Up is a morning radio show hosted by Steve & Tim on Family Life, a network of stations across New York and Pennsylvania. Our podcast is a weekly conversation designed to help you think, laugh, and keep your eyes on Jesus. If you haven’t already, subscribe today, so you don’t miss a single episode! Listen online and find out more about our show at familylife.org.   

036: Ten Minutes With…Natalie Layne

036: Ten Minutes With…Natalie Layne

Natalie Layne started leading worship at the age of 12. She’s a song-writer and piano player, lover of Jesus and just a lot of fun. Right now, she’s on tour with Tenth Avenue North. If Natalie were summed up in just one word, it would be “joy.” That’s because she chooses to see joy every day.


Join Natalie Layne on tour with Tenth Avenue North 10/5 in Hamburg, NY and 10/6 in Rochester, NY. Tickets available at familylife.org/events.

Capital Connection – Prop 1, Pro-Life/Abortion Balloting, Trusting the Vote Counts – 10/04/24

Capital Connection – Prop 1, Pro-Life/Abortion Balloting, Trusting the Vote Counts – 10/04/24

On Our Ballots:  Proposition 1 … Pro-Life/Pro-Abortion …Vote-Counting Integrity

Family Life’s “Capital Connection” — 10/04/2024

Each Friday, the Capital Connection Crew delves into the top social, cultural and political issues in our region and in the nation.

This week, host Bob Price poses these questions to our faith-and-values experts in Harrisburg and Albany:

  • Why Democrats are Winning at the Ballot Box on the Abortion Issue
  • Why Proposition 1 is so Dangerous
  • Has Early Voting Undermined Election Integrity







Jason McGuire is the executive director of the New Yorker’s Family Research Federation [NewYorkFamilies.org]

Michael Geer is president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Family Institute [PAFamily.org]






Pretty Place – A Giant Cross towers over three hurricane-ravaged states

Pretty Place – A Giant Cross towers over three hurricane-ravaged states

Pretty Place – A Giant Cross towers over three hurricane-ravaged states

A faith-centered story from Family Life News

Pretty Place is a renown open-air church at Cleveland, South Carolina. It was built in 1941. It has created memories for generations of visitors.

Last week, the devastating 60-70 mph winds in the remnants of Hurricane Helene hit that area.

Although much of the outdoor chapel suffered major damage in last week’s massive storm, the camp’s giant cross is still standing. Photos have gone viral, bringing hope to the region.

Family Life newscaster Sarah Harnish interviewed the president and CEO of Greenville’s YMCA, Sam Franklin. Listen to the full conversation in the podcast player here.


For more information:

        The website mentioned in this interview:  campgreenville.org/help

        The main website for this camp operated by the YMCA of Greenville, South Carolina: campgreenville.org/pretty-place

        Sam Franklin has 33 years of experience with YMCAs, but he only recently was promoted to this new position.

        This is a “before” picture of Pretty Place:        



Faith Under Fire – A NY Pro-Life Group questions Planned Parenthood’s financial publicity – 10/03/24

Faith Under Fire – A NY Pro-Life Group questions Planned Parenthood’s financial publicity – 10/03/24

A NY Pro-Life Group questions Planned Parenthood’s financial publicity

Family Life’s weekly “Faith Under Fire” feature

When Planned Parenthood announced it would be, at least temporarily, curtailing some abortion procedures at several New York clinics, an Empire State pro-life organization raised questions about Planned Parenthood’s publicity last month.

Feminists Choosing Life of New York released statements that asked how the largest provider of abortions in New York State and in the nation can be on financial hard times. Spokesperson Sarah Prentice told Family Life News that two significant dynamics are happening. First, well over have of the pregnancies that are ended through abortions are now happening with a cocktail of two pills, including mifepristone which ends the life of the fetus. Also, even as revenue from in-clinic procedures are less frequent, Planned Parenthood still gets hundreds of millions in taxpayer subsidies.

In this podcast, Prentice quotes the New York governor’s annual budget, showing how much tax money goes to funding abortions, encouraging people from other states to come to New York in so-called “abortion tourism”, and to pay for extensive lobbying on Planned Parenthood’s behalf.

Sarah Prentice is policy analyst and deputy outreach manager for FCLNY, which describes itself as a statewide human rights coalition, active on a range of issues. More information is available on their Instagram, website, and video.

Family Life News has invited Planned Parenthood of New York to have a parallel interview, to hear their perspective their public announcement and the related issues raised in this interview. As of the time of this post, we have not heard a response.


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