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Capital Connection – 9/20/24

Capital Connection – 9/20/24

It’s “Capital Connection” from Family Life News

Each Friday, we air/livestream/podcast a 10-minute roundtable with two state government watchdogs, getting their analysis of cultural, political and social issues facing Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers — and the nation.

On this week’s Capital Connection:

  • Why Assisted Suicide is “bad” medicine
  • “Down Ballot” races on election day
  • Can people trust the results of the election ?
  • Reconciling faith with “Border” Issues
  • Previewing the Pennsylvania “March for Life” (Monday, September 23)

(Videos for the PA March are available here: previewing 2024 and recapping 2023)


Michael Geer (Pennsylvania Family Institute) and Jason McGuire (New York Families) discuss these issues and more on this week’s edition of “Capital Connection”

Friday, September 20, 2024


035: Ten Minutes With…Wes Hampton from Gaither Vocal Band

035: Ten Minutes With…Wes Hampton from Gaither Vocal Band

Wesley Adam Hampton was born December 8, 1977, in Memphis, Tennessee. While he was a college student at Trevecca in Nashville, Wes invited Andrea Means to attend a Gaither Homecoming concert for their first official date. After two years at Trevecca, Wes and Andrea were married and moved to Birmingham, Alabama, to complete their education. Wes graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama, then worked as a minister of worship for The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham for two years before getting a phone call from Bill Gaither that would change his life nearly overnight. Wes joined the Vocal Band in July 2005 as the group’s tenor. His transition into the Vocal Band was virtually seamless, since he already knew the parts to nearly every song in the GVB’s repertoire. And since that time, Wes has done far more than sing a part. He has joined the ranks of an exclusive handful of world class singers who have sung tenor for the Gaither Vocal Band over the years.

Find out more about Wes and the Gaither Vocal Band here https://gaither.com/

“Ten Minutes With” is a podcast for people who want to listen to podcasts, but don’t have much time. If you’ve enjoyed this episode of “Ten Minutes With,” be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode. You might also consider giving to Family Life—the listener-funded ministry that makes this, and other podcasts possible. Go to familylife.org and find out more about what we do.


An Insider’s Insights into the Secret Service – FLN – 9/19/24

An Insider’s Insights into the Secret Service – FLN – 9/19/24

Retired FBI & Secret Service Agent Tim Miller

A Family Life News Interview

With two close-calls on the life of Donald Trump within two months, retired Secret Service agents are speaking out about the dangers to elected leaders, political candidates and their families.

One of those with an insider’s insight is Tim Miller, who had twin careers in the FBI and the Secret Service.
Family Life News Anchor Bob Price talked with Miller from his Florida home, just five miles from the golf course that made international news this past weekend.

Tap “play” on the podcast player for an extended version of this exclusive interview.

LionHeart Security Experts

Retired Secret Service agent Tim Miller now operates an international security enhancement firm. He uses his decades-long experience to provide training and consultations to help churches, schools and businesses to stay safer.

Podcasts of the Family Life Noon Report and the Family Life 5 O’Clock Report are available each weekday from www.FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts.


Real Answers – Safety replaces Fear, in troubled relationships – 9/18/24

Real Answers – Safety replaces Fear, in troubled relationships – 9/18/24

It’s “Real Answers” on Family Life

This Wednesday news feature tackles the tough topics faced by many families. Christian therapeutic counselor Christopher Anderson gives insights in how fear in relationships can be replaced by a stronger sense of safety. It’s an important transition to make, and can help  everyone involved in abusive or troubled relationships. When one or both partners are involved in addictions, this becomes important as well.

Listen to this conversation for Anderson’s encouragement. Tap the podcast player above.


[ Note: If you or someone you know is involved in a situation similar to those described here, you can contact a Christian counseling agency in your area, a local pastor, or dial either of these three-digit phone numbers: 988 or 211.  For assistance in a dangerous situation, law enforcement agencies are trained to attentively and respectfully respond in a helpful manner. Ask any of these sources for their details.]


“Real Answers” is a Wednesday news feature from Family Life News. In addition to airing during the Noon Report and 5 O’Clock Report, a podcast version is available for 24/7 listening, sharing, subscribing and downloading. Find it at FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts, or you can search for “Family Life News” on many other podcast sources (such as IHeart and Spotify).


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