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Keeping Christian Colleges open, vibrant, and valued – Faith Under Fire – 8/08/24

Keeping Christian Colleges open, vibrant, and valued – Faith Under Fire – 8/08/24

Many Christian colleges — like their secular counterparts — are facing financial and enrollment pressures which threaten their futures.

Christian journalist Warren Smith, today’s guest on Family Life’s “Faith Under Fire”, analyzes the issues which have led to numerous faith-based schools retrenching, with some forced to merge or close their doors. He says decisions need to be made — by college administrators, by families with college-bound students, and by churches and denominations. If there is value to higher education with a Christian centering, there are ways to make that more feasible.

In addition to identifying problems with tuition costs and college debts, Smith has some success stories too:  Christian universities which have “doubled down” on their unique identities, and some who have focused on degrees which reward graduates with high salaries and numerous career opportunities.

Warren Smith is president of MinistryWatch.com, a Christian news organization which covers national and global ministry organizations, transparency for Christian donors, and religious news across the spectrum. Ministry Watch has done extended coverage on Christian higher education, inspiring trends, and college closures (such as the recent one at Clarks Summit University in the Family Life listening area).

Faith Under Firewith Greg Gillispie is a Thursday news feature on the Family Life radio network, on the air and through our live streams. Expanded versions of those interviews are also available from our website and many podcast feed apps. Search for “Family Life News”.

Inside Out – Revenge: Getting even? or Getting it right? – 8/07/24

Inside Out – Revenge: Getting even? or Getting it right? – 8/07/24

Is Getting Even Getting It Right?

The theme of seeking revenge weaves through entertainment and politics. It seems baked into the culture. In this Inside Out podcast, Martha talks with therapist Paula Rinehart.Her recent article in The Gospel Coalition is titled Gospel Hope for a Culture Fixated on Getting Even.


 The theme of revenge weaves through our entertainment and politics, and seems baked into the culture. It’s presented as the inevitable option when someone suffers loss, humiliation, or betrayal. Perhaps the most primal inclination is to get back at the other party, and I think the illusion is that that will stop it in some way, shape, or form, or it will prevent another hurt,” says therapist and author Paula Rinehart.

“Getting even just seems to drive the nail deeper, that great irony to it all,” she says. “I think, as we move about in the world, the possibility of offering people what could be the possibility of forgiveness really stands out in a culture that has decided revenge is the only option.”

The first step out of that is bringing something into the light so it can be thought through or prayed through or talked through,” she says. “And that tends to step us out of the kind of knee-jerk reaction of just getting back at the person.”

 She points out that Jesus asks us to live in opposition to our instincts and open ourselves to the work of God in us. Forgiveness of really significant things takes a power that’s greater—it’s not just something I’ve conjured up myself,” Rinehart points out. “It’s really based on the power of the cross and the power of God to bring something quite unexpected and redemptive from things that seem like kind of the end of the story to me.”

No one is saying forgiveness is easy. But the surprising thing is that when we go through the work of forgiving others, we benefit.  “What we don’t want to miss in our need to get even with someone is the real freedom that God can bring in our life in very deep places in us through forgiveness—forgiveness and the light of knowing that God is going to deal with this,” she says.


Read Paula Rinehart’s article Gospel Hope for a Culture Fixated on Getting Even. She writes for The Gospel Coalition and lives and works in Raleigh, North Carolina.



Hometown Heroes – Pat Hilkey – Two 3,000-mile journeys – 8/06/24

Hometown Heroes – Pat Hilkey – Two 3,000-mile journeys – 8/06/24


A Buffalo-area pastor is back home, after a cross-country adventure.

A 3,000-mile bike trip.

His second!



These two adventurous challenges happened for two differing reasons.  Pastor Pat Hilkey eight years ago was among many pastors facing incredible stresses and pressures of church leadership. He decided at the time to use the physical and spiritual adventure of riding a bike across the country as an avenue for his personal renewal.  Now, this year, the preacher jumped onto the saddle again, to help his congregation pay off the church building.

Meet Pastor Pat Hilkey of the Evangel Assemblies of God congregation at Williamsville, New York. He tells his story to Family Life’s Mark Webster,

If That Makes Sense – 84: The Triumphal Entry (John 12)

If That Makes Sense – 84: The Triumphal Entry (John 12)

With Jesus, “triumph” doesn’t always look like we expect it to—it doesn’t look like we want it to, either, sometimes. Hope, Jim and Tim discuss Jesus’ Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem in John 12:12-19.

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Vocabulary & Tone matter, to communicate Faith & Values – 8/05/24

Vocabulary & Tone matter, to communicate Faith & Values – 8/05/24

How to “word” an Abortion Debate, to be more likely to change hearts and minds…..

A Christian public-relations specialist says people with a particular “take” on the pro-life/pro-abortion debate — or any other contentious cultural issue — would do well to choose productive tones and words to influence people who disagree. People can use productive vocabulary when we speak, and listen for accurate or inaccurate wording in speeches, news coverage and public debate.

Thomas Ciesielka has recommended a number of experts for other Family Life interviews on multiple”hot topics”. Family Life News Producer Greg Gillispie asked if he would do his own interview, about the best processes and techniques that shape public conversation.

Ciesielka says it is vital to be intentional and conscientious in choosing the wording of your statements and questions. Such choices determine whether you earn a hearing, then ultimately whether you can win or lose the argument.

Pennsylvania native Tom Ciesielka has a quarter-century of experience in public relations and business development. After working at another PR agency which wanted him to work for clients which violated his personal and religious values, he founded TC Public Relations which centers its media and messaging services toward Christian groups, pro-life organizations, and other nonprofits with traditional values:


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