Tag: #capitalconnection

Capital Connection – Voting districts, Trapped in bets, Silencing students – 3/01/24

Capital Connection – Voting districts, Trapped in bets, Silencing students – 3/01/24

Gerrymandering in New York

Gambling Addiction in Pennsylvania

Conservatives Silenced at SUNY-Cortland

Christian activists Jason McGuire and Michael Geer tackle the tough topics facing today’s families each Friday during “Capital Connection”.  It’s a front row seat to all that’s happening in Albany and Harrisburg.


Information about the New York “Legislative Day 2024” day-long advocacy event is available here.



Capital Connection – 2/23/24

Capital Connection – 2/23/24

Capital Connection” on Family Life

Christian Watchdogs Michael Geer and Jason McGuire take a deep dive into the issues that matter from the state capitals every Friday on “Capital Connection“.  Here’s what’s happening this week.


Why New York may reject new Congressional Districts

A Pennsylvania Plan to gut Cyber-Charter Schools

One-Party Rule here to stay in Albany ?


Capital Connection – Life, Activism, and School Choice – 2/16/24

Capital Connection – Life, Activism, and School Choice – 2/16/24

Each Friday, the Capital Connection Crew delve into the thorny issues impacting our listeners all over New York and Pennsylvania.  Here’s what’s happening this week in Albany and Harrisburg

Abortion, by the numbers in Pennsylvania

Push to Legalize Doctor Assisted Suicide in New York

What Christian Activism looks like in 2024

School Choice runs into hurdles in Harrisburg

Why Sports Betting is a bad bet for New York






Jason McGuire is the executive director of the New Yorker’s Family Research Federation [NewYorkFamilies.org]

Michael Geer is president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Family Institute [PAFamily.org]


Capital Connection – 2/09/24

Capital Connection – 2/09/24

New York’s lawyers’ group says doctors should assist in suicides.

A gun-rights rally in Pennsylvania draws media attention — and a prominent political candidate

How can parents opposed to the actions of the trans-gender movement stand up for their own families?


Each Friday, Family Life’s “Capital Connection” feature talks with leading pro-family advocates who lobby at the state capitols in Harrisburg and Albany. Listen for this 10-minute analysis from Jason McGuire (executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms) and Michael Geer (president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute).


Both of these organizations have additional videos, podcasts, commentary and position papers. They are available through the tabs below.

NY:       PA: 

Capital Connection – Life Issues (at the beginning & the end), Free to choose a better school? – 1/26/24

Capital Connection – Life Issues (at the beginning & the end), Free to choose a better school? – 1/26/24

Capital Connection” on Family Life

Abortion Politics Reign in Albany and Harrisburg

Another Pro-Life Issue:  Is this the year for Assisted Suicide?

School Choice Debate

Christian watchdogs and political activists Jason McGuire and Michael Geer take a deep dive into the issues you care about each Friday on “Capital Connection”.  Listen to this analysis of this week’s biggest cultural and governmental issues in Pennsylvania and New York.

For follow-up on stories discussed in this edition:


Capital Connection – 01/12/24

Capital Connection – 01/12/24

Family Life’s “Capital Connection”

Capital Connection offers you insiders’ insight on social, cultural and political issues which affect the people of Pennsylvania, New Work, and the entire nation.

Christian watchdogs Jason McGuire and Michael Geer “dig deep” on the issues that matter as the new year begins — and the new legislative seasons get underway.  Among the topics covered on the first “Capital Connection” of 2024:

  • What to expect from both governors
  • With Democrat majorities in the NY legislature, what big issues will be pushed?
  • As the PA House and Senate are split between the parties, what will move forward? 

Jason McGuire leads New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms. Michael Geer is president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute.

This is our Friday news feature during the Family Life Noon Report. Previous interviews with these two veteran commentators and other NY and PA opinion leaders are available from the Family Life News Podcasts page. Search for “Capital Connection“.

2024, A Preview – Special Edition of the Noon Report – 01/02/24

2024, A Preview – Special Edition of the Noon Report – 01/02/24

With the start of this new year, what can we expect for 2024?

What are some decisions we can make now — regarding our personal health, our pocketbooks, and our politics?

Bob Price, anchor of the Family Life Noon Report, hosts this special 2024 preview. Included in this half hour:

  • MONEY: Grove City Economics Professor Shawn Ritenour analyzes trends for consumers and the overall economy expected for 2024 — dollars and cents for the new year
  • CULTURE: Commentator John Stonestreet says problems with responsible free speech go beyond a few Ivy League presidents, but all of higher education needs to be watched
  • POLITICS: Big issues coming up in this election year in Harrisburg, Albany and the entire USA, including analysis by retired Political Science Professor Steve Coleman
  • HEALTH: Encouragement for your 2024 fitness, faith and fortitude for 2024 — from Christian fitness expert Tom Nicolla (who also tells us his inspirational personal story, fighting through a childhood disease and recovery from a delibitating mountain biking accident)


PA & NY – Capital Connection – Year in Review 2023

PA & NY – Capital Connection – Year in Review 2023

The Year-End edition of Family Life’s “Capital Connection”

Family Life news anchor Bob Price brings together our primary political/cultural commentators for our annual year-end roundtable. The “Capital Connection” crew evaluates the top five news stories from 2023 in New York State and Pennsylvania.

Listen to their recap of the biggest news and the long-lasting issues which developed across the past 12 months.


Jason McGuire is executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedom, a grassroots organization which is active in influencing the state’s elected leaders. [Online: AlbanyUpdate.com]

Michael Geer is president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, which holds a strong presence at the state capitol in Harrisburg and sponsors local pro-family events. [Online: PAFamily.org]




Capital Connection – 12/15/23

Capital Connection – 12/15/23

Capital Connection” — Our weekly overview of local and statewide issues for Family Life listeners

  • Gerrymandering New York
  • Pennsylvania’s House ….a House in Limbo
  • Homeschooling on the Rise in NY
  • Abortion Clinic Safety Issues in PA

Jason McGuire with New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms and Michael Geer with the Pennsylvania Family Institute “sound off” on the important issues in the news this week from the state capitals of Albany and Harrisburg.

For more information:

Family Life’s “Capital Connection” archives




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