Tag: #careers

Staycation – Niagara Power Vista – 8/23/24

Staycation – Niagara Power Vista – 8/23/24

It’s “Staycation Destinations” from Family Life

The beauty and majestic power of Niagara Falls draws tourists from all across the region and all across the world. The power of those millions of gallons of water has powered the generation of electricity which now accounts for all the electrical power used in New York State.

The history and the science of hydropower has been captured by the Niagara Power Vista, a free visitors center at Lewiston New York, at the dam just north of the Falls. Guests have dozens of interactive exhibits to demonstrate how inventors like Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison used hydropower for their engineering work. Visitors can play-act a simulation of how to build a community electric grid and keep it functioning. Plus, the Power Vista has some memorable views of this natural wonder of the world.

Lou Paonessa, community affairs director for the New York Power Authority, describes the uniqueness of the Niagara Power Project since its founding, and what families, individuals and school groups can see and do at the Power Vista.


Staycation Destinations is a weekly Friday feature through the summer on the Family Life radio network. Host Greg Gillispie maps out unique opportunities for you to discover somewhere unique in Pennsylvania and New York, fairly close to home and fairly affordable. These Staycation features air during the Noon Report and 5 O’Clock Report on the radio and on our live streaming. You can also find our features on FamilyLife.org and the Family Life Now mobile app. You also can search for Family Life News on most popular podcast platforms. Listen, subscribe, share or download them.



Keeping Christian Colleges open, vibrant, and valued – Faith Under Fire – 8/08/24

Keeping Christian Colleges open, vibrant, and valued – Faith Under Fire – 8/08/24

Many Christian colleges — like their secular counterparts — are facing financial and enrollment pressures which threaten their futures.

Christian journalist Warren Smith, today’s guest on Family Life’s “Faith Under Fire”, analyzes the issues which have led to numerous faith-based schools retrenching, with some forced to merge or close their doors. He says decisions need to be made — by college administrators, by families with college-bound students, and by churches and denominations. If there is value to higher education with a Christian centering, there are ways to make that more feasible.

In addition to identifying problems with tuition costs and college debts, Smith has some success stories too:  Christian universities which have “doubled down” on their unique identities, and some who have focused on degrees which reward graduates with high salaries and numerous career opportunities.

Warren Smith is president of MinistryWatch.com, a Christian news organization which covers national and global ministry organizations, transparency for Christian donors, and religious news across the spectrum. Ministry Watch has done extended coverage on Christian higher education, inspiring trends, and college closures (such as the recent one at Clarks Summit University in the Family Life listening area).

Faith Under Firewith Greg Gillispie is a Thursday news feature on the Family Life radio network, on the air and through our live streams. Expanded versions of those interviews are also available from our website and many podcast feed apps. Search for “Family Life News”.


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