Tag: church

Kids Corner – Easter Traditions

Kids Corner – Easter Traditions

Easter eggs, Easter Bunnies, Easter parades, Easter….kites? what do these things have to do with Jesus rising from the dead? And is there a right way to celebrate such an important event?

Bible Verses: Deuteronomy 10:13, Colossians 3:17, Colossians 3:23, Isaiah 1, Romans 8:8, and Hosea 6:6

An Insider’s Perspective on Haiti – Faith Under Fire – 3/28/24

An Insider’s Perspective on Haiti – Faith Under Fire – 3/28/24

An Insider’s Perspective on Haiti – Faith Under Fire

When gangs burst into prisons throughout the island nation of Haiti, it launched a cascade of violence and brutality which shook the residents, toppled the standing of government, and opened the doors to crime and murder.

Family Life News offers you a perspective on what it has been like to live in Haiti and offer Christian ministry and hands-on development there.  Darren Hercyk is a native of New York’s Southern Tier, a current resident of Harrisburg PA, and has directed global development programs for Liberty University.

Based on his three year’s experience in Haiti, he says the current civil unrest is one event in a long trend of disasters for Haitians — earthquakes, political upheaval, and hurricanes.

This conversation includes the need for immediate relief efforts, as well as the extensive Christian mission trips and longer range efforts. Hercyk says the most effective assistance would have two vital aspects:

  • A focus on long-term infrastructure: housing, schools, hospitals and other public services
  • Is centered on building up the ministries of the local churches in Haiti (or, for that matter, any troubled region)

Hercyk also gives us insights on the effectiveness that Haitian churches have had, when so many others entities have failed or collapsed. Even amid the disasters there, he says there is hope for Haiti — from its Christians.

Darren Hercyk has led global relief efforts and Christian humanitarian work, of his own as well as mentoring future mission workers. He has lived in ten nations doing such work, and directed programs for Messiah University and  Liberty University.


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