Tag: #events

Step Up Your Health – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual – 3/06/24

Step Up Your Health – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual – 3/06/24


Your mental health affects your physical health.

A body’s malady affects mental and spiritual health.

Stress plays out in tangible symptoms and increased risk of disease.

Our guest on this Family Life News Feature is one of three speakers at the “Step Up Your Health” one-day seminar at the Family Life auditorium on Saturday, March 9.

Dr. Josephine Ellis says human beings are created as one unified whole. Our bodies, minds and souls all interact with and affect each other. She tells us that the epidemic of mental health concerns is real. Stress at home, in relationships or at work also play out in physical ways.

She offers advice for people looking to enhance your health. Dr. Ellis seeks to emphasize “good health” as more than the absence of disease, but as the positive presence of good health and uplifting habits. In this podcast, she describes what she describes at the “Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine”. To make these lifestyle changes happen long-term, she says a person should focus on one small habit and let it grow into new patterns.

Dr. Ellis encourages all patients to openly discuss not only physical health, but when you go for an annual checkup or another office visit, to talk about how you are doing emotionally and mentally. 


Details about this event, including availability of remaining tickets are available online at FamilyLife.org/events. If you are not attending, or listening to this podcast after March 9, Dr. Ellis still has important information and advice that continues to have value for your consideration.

A Family Life Interview – Ron Hutchcraft on Church-Leader Burnout – 11/27/23

A Family Life Interview – Ron Hutchcraft on Church-Leader Burnout – 11/27/23

Ron Hutchcraft has spent decades as a Christian broadcaster, a ministry leader, a mission worker, and a sought-after speaker at religious conferences.

In October, he was featured at the Family Life Pastor’s Conference, providing inspiration to well over 200 pastors from Pennsylvania and New York. In conjunction with his visit to our listening area, he was interviewed by Family Life News, seeking his recommendations for clergy and for congregations.

In light of today’s difficult trends where 42 percent of congregational pastors are ready to quit, there is much which needs done to strengthen the church and reverse that reality.

In our conversation, Hutchcraft looks at the Big Three challenges identified by that research, offers practical steps to reduce stresses and loneliness, and warns that church fights over politics or social issues are against the Bible’s calling. He points to the impact of Covid shutdowns and mandates and disagreements, and gives a movie-plot parallel. You also will hear reminders that the church’s shepherds also hold responsibility to address their own misguided motivations and unhelpful mission drift.

Ron Hutchcraft leads Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, which works to provide spiritual rescue, bringing hope to unchurched people in the language of the listener. RHM also operates “On Eagles Wings”, an evagelistic and training outreach to Indigenous young people.

His daily radio story, “A Word With You”, airs multiple times each weekday on Family Life broadcasting, plus our online streams.


A parallel Family Life Podcast is also available:  Check our pastors’ first-person stories on “The Calling” with Steve Smith. Episodes can be found here.


Special Feature – Safety, Social Media, and Child Trafficking

Special Feature – Safety, Social Media, and Child Trafficking

“the Dark Side of social media”

It goes without saying: parents would not intentionally toss their children into a swimming pool filled with sharks.  The presenters at an upcoming seminar, though, say that is essentially what we are doing when we allow children and teens access to much of social media.

Lisa Hansen(from Power over Predators) and Joseph Sweeney (from the Asservo Project) invite families to their workshop this October. On our Monday Noon Report, Terese Main shares important insights from Lisa Hansen who delves into the dark side of social media, discussing the physical dangers and potential exploitation. The United States has 500,000 online sexual predators — half a million people who are a potential danger to your children and their friends.


“Lisa believes our children are our most vulnerable and valuable treasure—begging to be cherished and protected. She is convinced that every life matters, and every story deserves the chance for a happy ending.”

This is important information for parents, grandparents, teachers, church leaders and law enforcement personnel to have. It is important motivation for all of us to have.

Further resources :



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