Tag: gospel of john

If That Makes Sense – 83: Giving Jesus Everything (John 12)

If That Makes Sense – 83: Giving Jesus Everything (John 12)

Mary of Bethany didn’t just anoint Jesus’ feet; the familiar story shows us a disciple who gives Jesus her everything—and challenges us to do the same. Jesse, Merri and Tim discuss John 12:1-11.

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If That Makes Sense – 80: Lazarus Dies (John 11)

If That Makes Sense – 80: Lazarus Dies (John 11)

Jesus loved him…and he let him die. Merri, Jesse and Tim explore the hope hidden in an unexpected display of Jesus’ love for Lazarus and his family (John 11:1-16.)

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If That Makes Sense – 77: Man Born Blind, pt.2 (John 9)

If That Makes Sense – 77: Man Born Blind, pt.2 (John 9)

Jesus seeks us out, but we have to respond! Merri, Jesse and Tim talk about God’s pursuing love in the conclusion of the story of the man born blind in John 9:13-41.

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If That Makes Sense – 74: The Light of the World (John 8)

If That Makes Sense – 74: The Light of the World (John 8)

It could be a cliche to say “seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.”  But in John 8…well…believing in Jesus is the only way to really see Him. Becki, Robbie and Tim talk about the Light of the world from John 8:12 – 30.

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If That Makes Sense – 73: The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8)

If That Makes Sense – 73: The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8)

For one woman, Jesus silenced a condemnation-craving mob. He does the same in the face of our accuser for everyone who calls him “Lord” today.  Merri, Becki and Tim look at the story of the woman caught in adultery from John 7:53 – 8:11.

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If That Makes Sense – 72: Knowing the Word, but Missing God (John 7)

If That Makes Sense – 72: Knowing the Word, but Missing God (John 7)

Trusting what you think about the Bible isn’t the same as trusting the God Who it’s about. The Pharisees make that clear, as Tately, Jesse and Tim dig into John 7:25-52.

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If That Makes Sense – 71: Much Muttering (John 7)

If That Makes Sense – 71: Much Muttering (John 7)

Did Jesus ever change his mind? What did his earthly family think of him? And why did the Pharisees say he was possessed? Lydia, Jim and Tim tackle some of the unexpected questions that come up from John 7:1-24

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If That Makes Sense – 65: Jesus and the Father (John 5)

If That Makes Sense – 65: Jesus and the Father (John 5)

Jesus is fully man and fully God. We can’t be afraid to wrestle with that mystifying reality! In John 5, Jesus confronts the Pharisees—and us today—with his astounding and loyalty-demanding true identity. (John 5:16-30)

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Ep58: Water Into Wine (John 2)

Ep58: Water Into Wine (John 2)

When the wedding ran out of wine, Jesus told the servants to go get some more…water.  What did they expect to happen?  Tately, Jesse and Tim discuss Jesus’ first public miracle, His relationship with His mom, and what it means to be the Bride of Christ (John 2:1-12).

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