Tag: kids

22-0604_Kids Corner – Those Who Wait

22-0604_Kids Corner – Those Who Wait


There is one thing in life that most people find extremely difficult. It’s something that everyone has to do. Moms and Dads have to do it. Teenagers have to do it. Grandparents have to do it. Kids have to do it. Babies have to do it. So WHY is is so hard to  w a i t???

(Scripture: Luke 5, Psalm 37:7, Galatians 6:9, John 14:2, Galatians 6, 2nd Corinthians 9, Ecclesiastes, and Philippians 4)

22_0528_Kids Corner – My Apologies

22_0528_Kids Corner – My Apologies

Forgiveness. Seems simple. Someone does something wrong, they apologize, you forgive them. … RIGHT? But what do you do if it keeps happening? Or what if they don’t apologize? Do we still have to forgive them? Everett, Sam, and Violet ask the deep questions at Mr. Jacob’s garage.

(Scripture: Luke 17:4, 2nd Peter 3:9, Philippians 4:13, Luke 23:34, and 1st Peter 2:21)

22-0521_Kids Corner – Forgiveness

22-0521_Kids Corner – Forgiveness

Has someone ever done something wrong, and it hurt you? If it hasn’t happened yet, I’m sure it will at some point in the future. What should we do when that happens? Do we HAVE to forgive them? The kids around the corner at Miss Fiona’s house discuss.

(Scripture: Luke 6:37, Mark 11:25, Matthew 18:35, Ephesians 4:32, and Colossians 3:13)

Kids Corner: Big OOOPS!

Kids Corner: Big OOOPS!

Have you ever done something so bad, that you felt like running away was the only option? Maybe you broke a plate you weren’t supposed to be playing with, or ruined a precious piece of furniture. Or what about scratching your dad’s car…. Hm. Destin would say that sounds familiar!

(Scripture: Philemon, Romans 8:38 and 39, Mark 3:28)

Kids Corner: Fixing Friendships

Kids Corner: Fixing Friendships

Friends are great. They are your buddies, your pals, the people you hang out with the most. But sometimes they can get on your nerves. Most people have argued with their friends, but what do you do when the argument gets out of hand? Things get said that shouldn’t, feelings get hurt, and tears are shed. What are you supposed to do when that happens? (Scripture: James 5:16, Luke 19:9, John 3:16, and Hebrews 4:15)


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