Tag: #october

Teens & Screens – Finding balance and benefits, when it comes to those devices – 9/24/24

Teens & Screens – Finding balance and benefits, when it comes to those devices – 9/24/24

Teens & Screens: Keeping Kids Safe Online

A Family Life News Interview


Christian family advocate Brad Huddleston wants parents to know practical steps for safe internet usage by their children.

Family Life’s Bob Price talks with Huddleston about the physical and emotional changes that happens in teens’ brains and lives, when they are stuck on their phones. He has spiritual inspiration and practical techniques which parents can discuss with their children.

This discussion aired on the radio during the Family Life Noon Report on September 24. Included in the conversation was a preview of a special in-person event sponsored by Family Life upcoming in October. Listen to this podcast, and then individuals, couples, families and church gr0ups may wish to look up information about the workshop. Discounted tickets can be reserved in advance.



Ticket information for the one-night Family Life workshop (Friday, October 18) can be found at www.FamilyLife.org/events


The presenters at this event will be Brad Huddleston of Brad Huddleston Ministries and Joseph Sweeney of the Asservo Project. Brad and his wife Beth Huddleston’s ministry offers a “digital detox” plan for families, and they also have a program which compares cell phone addiction to what they call “digital cocaine”. Sweeney’s organization focuses on the dangers of how the internet and social media are used to recruit teens and preteens into human trafficking, for sexual abuse and forced labor.


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