Tag: #pafamilyinstitute

2024 Pennsylvania March For Life – a Family Life News recap – 9/26/24

2024 Pennsylvania March For Life – a Family Life News recap – 9/26/24

2024 Pennsylvania March For Life

A Family Life News Recap

Hear highlights from the Pennsylvania March For Life, where an estimated 6,000 people gathered on the steps of the state capitol building, to pray, rally and march. This annual demonstration give witness to the year-round efforts to protect unborn children from the practice of abortion.

With highlights from speakers on the stage, plus exclusive Family Life News interviews with attendees and pro-life leaders, this special edition of “Faith Under Fire” offers you a recap of the issues and motivations which are important to those who rallied in Harrisburg on Monday, September 23.

(c) 2024 Family Life Radio Network  (c) 2024 Family Life Radio Network  (c) 2024 Family Life Radio Network  (c) 2024 Family Life Radio Network  "Gen Z For Life" Pennsylvania March for Life 9/23/2024 

The Pennsylvania Family Institute’s website and related social media posts have additional highlights, commentary, and videos.

The full one-hour video of all the Rally presentations is available here:  www.PAFamily.org

Within this video is a speech by Dr. Eric Hussar, a Lancaster County physician who is State Director for the American Academy of Medical Ethics. He gives real-world stories of women who started a regimen of abortion-inducing drugs, but later would regret that decision and explored how pregnancies can often be saved, if the scared and fragile woman seeks out abortion-reversal treatments through their own physician or through a pro-life pregnancy resource center.  [https://youtu.be/iLzJma3TA8o?t=2172]  [The Lozier Institute has further information on the medical research about the Progesterone treatments.]


Note: Family Life Ministries has compiled information about Pregnancy Resource Centers and care centers throughout Pennsylvania and New York State.

Visit that map and get contact information here: www.FamilyLife.org/listening-area/pregnancy-resources/



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