Tag: radio

Kids Corner – Getting What We Deserve

Kids Corner – Getting What We Deserve

Sometimes it feels like we are entitled to more than what we have been given, but how do we know how much we really deserve, and does the bible tell us?

Bible Verses: Deuteronomy 24:14-15, Leviticus 19:13, Malachi 3:5, Deuteronomy 25:4, Isaiah 1:17, Psalm 33:5, Isaiah 30:18, Deuteronomy 32:4, 2nd Chronicles 19:7, Romans 6:23, John 3:16, Romans 5:1, Mark 12:30,  Galatians 2:16,

108 Rise Up – Best Advice Received

108 Rise Up – Best Advice Received

Can you recall the best advice you’ve ever been given? Steve and Tim bring to the table some of the best wisdom that’s ever been passed their way.

Then: what do you have that’s STILL in the box?

Rise Up is a morning radio show hosted by Steve, Terese & Tim, on Family Life, a network of stations across New York and Pennsylvania. Our podcast is a weekly conversation designed to help you think, laugh, and keep your eyes on Jesus. If you haven’t already, subscribe today, so you don’t miss a single episode! Listen online and find out more about our show at familylife.org.   

Kids Corner – That’s So Annoying

Kids Corner – That’s So Annoying

There are lots of things that are annoying in this world, and sometimes those annoyances can be people! But, what does God say about how we should treat them?

Bible Verses: Proverbs 12:16, Proverbs 19:11, Proverbs 29:11, Ephesians 4, 2nd Timothy 2, Colossians 3, Philippians 1, 1st Peter 5:7, Ephesians 3:20, Philippians 4:13, Mark 9:23, Luke 1:37

Kids Corner – I need a Sign!

Kids Corner – I need a Sign!

When you want to know what God has in store for your future, you might ask for some sort of sign, but what would that even look like? Should we look to the stars? Should we look to the sun? Or maybe even a ….stick?


Bible verses: Isaiah 47:13, Deuteronomy 4:19, Daniel 2:27, Matthew 16,

Kids Corner – First Oppressions

Kids Corner – First Oppressions

People have been treating each other badly for a very long time, but so have ants and other animals! Why does God want us to treat others with kindness and respect if that’s not what nature does?

Bible verses: Matthew 7:12, Philippians 2:3, Genesis 1:26, Matthew 5:44, Romans 12:20, 1st Corinthians 13

Kids Corner – I Want To Fix Things!

Kids Corner – I Want To Fix Things!

This week in the garage, Mr. Jacobs’ truck isn’t working, and his solution to the problem has some of the kids asking if it’s the best way to deal with things and, as usual, what does the bible say about it?

Bible Verses:  Proverbs 11:2, James 1, Romans 5, Galatians 6,Colossians 3:23, Philippians 4:13, 1st Corinthians 14, 1st Samuel 13


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