Tag: sunday school

Kids Corner – I Want To Fix Things!

Kids Corner – I Want To Fix Things!

This week in the garage, Mr. Jacobs’ truck isn’t working, and his solution to the problem has some of the kids asking if it’s the best way to deal with things and, as usual, what does the bible say about it?

Bible Verses:  Proverbs 11:2, James 1, Romans 5, Galatians 6,Colossians 3:23, Philippians 4:13, 1st Corinthians 14, 1st Samuel 13

Kids Corner: Traditions VS Reality

Kids Corner: Traditions VS Reality

We all know the nativity story. The stable, the innkeeper, the sheep, the three wise men, the baby. But how can we tell what really happened apart from the classic story we hear every year? And why is there a difference?

Bible Verses: Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 2, Revelation 22:18 and 19, Deuteronomy 4:2, Mark 12

Kids Corner: Rocky Ground

Kids Corner: Rocky Ground

When everything seems to be changing in your life, how are you supposed to be thankful? And if its your friend that’s feeling like that, what are you supposed to do?

Bible Verses: Philippians 2:14, Lamentations, Psalm 7:17, Ephesians 5:20, James 1, 2nd Corinthians 12, 1st Corinthians 13:6 , 1st Peter 2:21, Romans 12:15


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