Tag: theology

If That Makes Sense – 82: The World’s Authority (John 11)

If That Makes Sense – 82: The World’s Authority (John 11)

When we fear what we can gain or lose by the authorities of this world, we’re not thinking with Jesus as our King. Becki, Jim and Tim look at John 11:45-57.

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If That Makes Sense – 80: Lazarus Dies (John 11)

If That Makes Sense – 80: Lazarus Dies (John 11)

Jesus loved him…and he let him die. Merri, Jesse and Tim explore the hope hidden in an unexpected display of Jesus’ love for Lazarus and his family (John 11:1-16.)

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If That Makes Sense – 79: I and the Father are One (John 10)

If That Makes Sense – 79: I and the Father are One (John 10)

Jesus claims to be one with God the Father. His striking statement doesn’t sit well with everyone, as Jim, Robbie, and Tim see in John 10:22-42.

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If That Makes Sense – 76: The Man Born Blind, pt.1 (John 9)

If That Makes Sense – 76: The Man Born Blind, pt.1 (John 9)

Jesus can show us our assumptions about God, sin, and healing through the story of a (formerly) blind man. Becki, Hope and Tim explore John 9:1-12.

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If That Makes Sense – 75: Jesus, the I AM (John 8)

If That Makes Sense – 75: Jesus, the I AM (John 8)

“Did Jesus ever claim to be God, though?” Just look at the response of his audience in John 8—and you’ll see that he certainly did!  Hope, Jim, and Tim talk about the one who is our example and our God: Jesus. (John 8:31-59)

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If That Makes Sense – 74: The Light of the World (John 8)

If That Makes Sense – 74: The Light of the World (John 8)

It could be a cliche to say “seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.”  But in John 8…well…believing in Jesus is the only way to really see Him. Becki, Robbie and Tim talk about the Light of the world from John 8:12 – 30.

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If That Makes Sense – 73: The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8)

If That Makes Sense – 73: The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8)

For one woman, Jesus silenced a condemnation-craving mob. He does the same in the face of our accuser for everyone who calls him “Lord” today.  Merri, Becki and Tim look at the story of the woman caught in adultery from John 7:53 – 8:11.

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If That Makes Sense – 72: Knowing the Word, but Missing God (John 7)

If That Makes Sense – 72: Knowing the Word, but Missing God (John 7)

Trusting what you think about the Bible isn’t the same as trusting the God Who it’s about. The Pharisees make that clear, as Tately, Jesse and Tim dig into John 7:25-52.

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If That Makes Sense – 70: Tough Teachings (John 6)

If That Makes Sense – 70: Tough Teachings (John 6)

If the Bible has ever confused you, Jesus’ audiences felt like that too sometimes!  Hope, Mike and Tim look at Jesus’ tough teachings in John 6:43-71.

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