Tag: #voting

Capital Connection – the Big Issues in PA, NY, and the USA – 9/06/24

Capital Connection – the Big Issues in PA, NY, and the USA – 9/06/24

“Capital Connection” on Family Life

It’s the “season premiere”, as our roundtable with resident experts about the happenings in Albany and Harrisburg are back


The Capital Connection Crew is back and discussing politics, with just two months to go until the election.

Jason McGuire is the executive director of the New York Families Foundation [NewYorkFamilies.org]

Michael Geer is the founding president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute [PAFamily.org]

Among our topics today, they’re talking about a new initiative to get more people of faith to the polls on November 5.

Now that the summer break is over, Capital Connection resumes our Friday broadcasts during the Family Life Noon Report, on air, on app, and via multiple streaming platforms. We also podcast these conversations at FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts.

Resources, links and info about subjects covered in this podcast:

  • “Capital Connection Live”, two public events in NY and PA, with Michael Geer, Jason McGuire and Bob Price on stage for a full evening of discussion and analysis — FamilyLife.org/events
  • The March for Life in Pennsylvania, Monday, September 23 — MarchForLife.org/Pennsylvania/
  • Take the Pledge to register to vote (Christians at the ballot box, and in early voting) — National Family Policy Alliance and the Christians Engaged organization
  • Voter registration deadlines are October 21 in Pennsylvania, and October 26 in New York State. Registration — and updating your name, address or political party (important, if those apply) — can be done at your local country election office, when you apply for or renew your driver’s license, or online through the state government website. Links from many advocacy groups also connect you with this process. Mailed-in applications in both states must be received on or before the deadline date.



Elections: Christian voter turnout falls short at the ballot box – 8/27/24

Elections: Christian voter turnout falls short at the ballot box – 8/27/24

Elections: Christian voter turnout falls short at the ballot box

One public opinion poll says one-third of Christian voters stay home on election day and don’t cast ballots.

A Christian social advocate says people of faith who choose not to practice what he calls their “Biblical Citizenship” are instead handing over their influence to other groups who do not share the same values.

Executive Director Jason McGuire of the New York Family Foundation says other constituencies have voter turnout that tops 90 percent for every election.


This week (8/27/2024) Family Life News is airing (and podcasting) a series of extended interviews giving a deeper dive into this year’s elections, beyond the individual candidates and campaigns.

In this conversation about Christians’ roles to shape government, McGuire also talks about:

  • Biblical mandates for faithful interaction with voting, campaigns and social action
  • Why some Christians believe they should avoid all of politics and partisanship
  • How Christians should consider an entire ballot and its consequences, not just the presidential choices
  • What a proposed Constitutional amendment in New York State could mean for Christ-centered citizens, people who hold traditional values, and all of their neighbors too
  • An effort to increase Christian turnout for early voting and on November 5 locally and in all 50 states, and how to sign up for non-partisan e-mail reminders


Family Life Interview – Election Integrity – 08/30/23

Family Life Interview – Election Integrity – 08/30/23

A Christian law firm is suing the state of California for violating its own election laws. At issue is the inability to track whether mail-in ballots are actually cast by the voters who are legally allowed to cast a ballot.

Mariah Gondeiro is an attorney with Advocates for Faith and Freedom, which has already won one judgment from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. After a California judge ruled that the citizens group The Election Integrity Project was submitting simple “garden variety” voting irregularities, their lawyers have again appealed to the Ninth Circuit. The Election Integrity Project claims to have well over 1,000 signed affidavits proving violation of vote-counting laws over the past ten years in California alone.

Gondeiro gives Family Life News the concerns the Project has over ballot handling, an update on the lawsuit, and her take on why people in every state should be active in the push for election integrity.

The Election Integrity Project has now trained 20,000 Californians to be official poll watchers for 2024.


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