Tag: #war

Hometown Heroes – Jeff Seigworth in Ukraine – 09/19/23

Hometown Heroes – Jeff Seigworth in Ukraine – 09/19/23

Family Life’s “Hometown Heroes

Multiple mission organizations are active in war zones in Ukraine and southern Russia, bringing Christian healing and Christian hope to those caught in the crossfire.

One of those agencies is A-1-8, named after Acts 1:8, the Biblical mandate to take Jesus’ Gospel far and near, into all the world. A18 had been active in Ukraine multiple years before the current war.

Pennsylvania native Jeff Seigworth recently returned from a mission trip to Ukraine. He was part of a team that was actively interacting with children in Ukrainian towns. They saw the explosive damage to the cities and villages, the costs of war in deaths and physical injuries, but also the emotional toll and chronic anxiety of daily life within a daily war. In this Family Life interview, Seigworth tells about how the mission workers saw how the message of Jesus released children from much of the fear and the mental health strain that non-Christians constantly face.


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