Category: Family Life News

News features from a Biblical perspective.

Faith Under Fire – PA Prolife – Maria Gallagher – 2/01/24

Faith Under Fire – PA Prolife – Maria Gallagher – 2/01/24

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court this week, by a narrow 4-3 vote, ruled that a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood is to be heard by a lower court. At issue is a question about whether Pennsylvania can restrict the state’s Medicaid funds only to pay for the abortions which are directly related to situations of rape, incest, or if the pregancy is a risk to the mother’s life. The dominant provider of abortions contends that Pennsylvania’s Medicaid policies over the past 20 years unconstitutionally harm the “rights” of poorer people.

The Commonwealth Court trial has not happened to decide the issue; the Supreme Court majority merely ruled that the case must be tried.

For an interpretation and perspectives on the case and its related issues, Family Life news producer Greg Gillispie spoke Monday with Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the PA Prolife Federation.


You can find more about PA Prolife’s work beyond this one court case on their website.



Thrive Singles Conference – a conversation with Sherrie Holloway – 1/31/24

Thrive Singles Conference – a conversation with Sherrie Holloway – 1/31/24

Today’s Family Life News Feature offers insights from the leader of our January 2024 Thrive Singles Conference.

Professor Sherrie Holloway of Clark’s Summit University offers a recap of the conference’s theme, assurance and reminders for people who are single (in all the forms that takes), and advice and reminders for married people too.

Family Life Ministries and its supporters sponsor this annual event, typically early in each year.



Hometown Heroes – Tara Freeman – Women of Hope – 1/30/24

Hometown Heroes – Tara Freeman – Women of Hope – 1/30/24



After attending a great women’s conference, the founders of “Women of Hope” asked themselves why there wasn’t a local expression of such an outpouring of outreach and encouragement.

So, they created one.

Women of Hope, in northern Pennsylvania, sponsors events to meet the needs of many women in their community.

Tara Freeman says, unfortunately, many women miss out on the hope and love of the Bible’s story, and they instead can become “beat up by the Bible and burdened by the church, and I want them to feel there is hope and that Jesus is there to love them,” regardless of where they feel their life is at the moment. For women who have struggled with something in their past — or feel trapped or unsettled now — Women of Hope seeks to create a group where each person can feel comfortable, safe and accepted. Freeman says some participants have found healing from situations as wide-ranging as abusive relationship, childhood traumas and other challenges.

Women of Hope specifically does not hold its events at church buildings, in order to remove one potential perceived hurdle from some of those who are open to finding assurances of hope.


Tara Freeman (pictured at right at a “5 Under 40” ceremony) is president of Women of Hope, which began in June 2021 and held its recent conference in Troy, Pennsylvania. She was interviewed by Mark Webster of Family Life News.  “Hometown Heroes” brings you the stories of — and the inspiration from — people of faith who have created ways to be positive influences on the communities of Pennsylvania and New York. (Archives of this feature throughout the past 4 1/2 years are available here.)




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