Category: Family Life News

News features from a Biblical perspective.

A Family Life Interview – Robyn Chambers at the National March for Life – 1/19/24

A Family Life Interview – Robyn Chambers at the National March for Life – 1/19/24

Robyn Chambers, vice president for children’s advocacy for Focus on the Family, gives our Family Life listeners and web visitors her perspective from the National March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Chambers talks about the mood and strategies of the prolife movement, a year and a half after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that there is no “right” to abortion in the Federal Constitution, but as the debate moves to each state deciding on abortion.

Faith Under Fire – Long-term Lessons for Churches – 1/18/24

Faith Under Fire – Long-term Lessons for Churches – 1/18/24

What lessons learned during the “Covid Era” will help congregations thrive into the new future?

We have a return visit from Allison Norton of the Covid Religion Research Project, which is in the third year of a five-year study of 15,000 American congregations. In this new conversation Norton addresses how congregations are poised to either return to pre-pandemic patterns or use their relatively recent discoveries as springboards into faithful ministries.

There are divergent contexts in particular congregations and faith communities. Some are finding exhaustion and frustration are nudging people back toward wanting former programs and patterns. Norton says, though, and churches’ challenges from pre-2020 continue to happen. Other churches are maintaining some of the innovation and experimentation which Covid lockdowns forced upon them. She gives an example of a congregation which has had success with the elimination of large weekly worship events.

The research has found one key factor which is determining congregational health and vitality for current times and moving forward from here: whether or not there is an attitude of optimism.

Allison Norton is a faculty research associate for Hartford International University, based in Connecticut. She also directs the Pastoral Innovation Network of New England (PINNE).

This Lilly-funded study continues through 2025, taking surveys across various denominational and non-denominational churches, and doing in-depth analysis of church change since 2020. Reports, research results and recommendations are on the project’s social media and website: CovidReligionResearch.org , Facebook , X/Twitter , Newsletter

Congregational leaders and denominational networks can use these resources to foster ongoing evaluation, discussion and planning.


In addition to this podcast, you also can listen to our first interview with Allison Norton. That topic centered on how churches have rebounded short-term after however many months or years of shutdown, change and trying new methods.

Real Answers – Overcoming Feelings of Loneliness – 1/17/24

Real Answers – Overcoming Feelings of Loneliness – 1/17/24

The “Real Answers” feature on Family Life tackles the tough topics facing Christians.

In this edition, Christian counselor Christopher Anderson talks about how loneliness happens, and how to address those dilemmas.

There are answers like simply reaching out to connect with other people. That does mean that a person will develop ways to “push through” perceived fears or social anxieties. The more often someone initiates those interactions, the easier and more comfortable that process becomes.

To have a daily reminder visible helps — be that a bedside Bible, a devotional book, or something like a poster or some symbol.  Anderson says a mindset of worship and connection with the Lord woven into our daily practices helps to focus us more positively, whatever our circumstances may be.

Hometown Heroes – Sandy Lenahan – 1/16/24

Hometown Heroes – Sandy Lenahan – 1/16/24

“Hometown Heroes” on Family Life

This week’s Hometown Hero is Sandy Lenahan of Shamokin, PA.  She’s created as series of YouTube videos to get the Word of God into young children.

Lenahan tells us that these inspirational videos are geared especially for ages 2 to 6. “These are really foundational years for children, and there is no better foundation than God’s Word.”

The first video in this “Wee Steps with God” series — with songs, Scripture and stories — has been released, and others are on the way. Hear a sample of the music in this podcast.

Lenahan’s You Tube page is here.




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