Category: If That Makes Sense

“If That Makes Sense” is a podcast with a group of young adults talking about some of the questions and challenges their generation faces as followers of Jesus.

Ep55: First Things First – Jesus (John 1)

Ep55: First Things First – Jesus (John 1)

“If That Makes Sense” is back to focus on the Gospel of John for a season. In this episode, Robbie, Becki and Tim are looking at where it all begins: with Jesus. Every episode is like a Bible study with friends!

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Ep53: A Personal Finale (Romans 16)

Ep53: A Personal Finale (Romans 16)

With the last chapter of Romans at hand, the podcast comes to one of our regular seasonal breaks.  Paul sends personal greetings to his friends in Rome in chapter 16, and Robbie, Becki, and Tim talk about the eternal importance of relationships!

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Ep52: Confidence, Community, and Email Newsletters (Romans 15)

Ep52: Confidence, Community, and Email Newsletters (Romans 15)

One of the biggest ways God blesses us Christians is through each other.  Robbie, Becki and Tim look at the second-to-last chapter of Romans, where (among other things) Paul models the importance of missionary newsletters!

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Ep51: Destroying Someone’s Faith (Romans 14)

Ep51: Destroying Someone’s Faith (Romans 14)

If you think something’s OK, but your friend thinks it’s a sin, what do you do?  Lydia, Robbie and Tim have a discussion about what we have to give up sometimes when matters start to feel gray.

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Ep50: What We Owe (Romans 13)

Ep50: What We Owe (Romans 13)

What does a Christian owe the government?  What is our obligation to other Christians?  The answer, unsurprisingly, goes back to God’s love as Becki, Robbie and Tim look at Romans 13 (as well as “the love chapter,” 1 Corinthians 13).

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Ep49: How To Do Everything (Romans 12)

Ep49: How To Do Everything (Romans 12)

One person can’t do everything.  But there is one approach that works for everything: following God’s will.  Lydia, Mike and Tim look at how Romans 12 simplifies the extraordinary calling of the Church.

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Ep48: The Root (Romans 11)

Ep48: The Root (Romans 11)

God’s family is like a tree, and we’re all the branches. We can only understand our place in the big picture when we go back to the Root. Mike, Robbie and Tim read and discuss their thoughts on Romans 11.

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Ep47: When You Have Good News (Romans 10)

Ep47: When You Have Good News (Romans 10)

When you have good news, you share it!  We have the privilege of being used by God to share the Gospel.  Becki, Tately and Tim are talking about the mysterious ways God spreads his good news to the whole world.

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