Tag: #abortion

Doctors vs the FDA: A Supreme Court decision on mail-order Mifepristone – 6/27/24

Doctors vs the FDA: A Supreme Court decision on mail-order Mifepristone – 6/27/24

Dr. Ingrid Skop was interviewed for the Family Life Noon Report, with a pro-life OB-GYN’s perspective on the recent Supreme Court decision saying the “Hippocratic Medicine” group was not the right plaintiff to bring suit against the Federal Food and Drug Administration.

Previous Family Life Interviews:

Attorney Katie Daniel of Susan B. Anthony Prolife America gave us initial reaction to this Supreme Court decision, why the justices’ ruling does not end this issue against the FDA, and what the next steps will be:  6/24/2024

Dr. Ingrid Skop spoke with us, as this case was being decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals:  6/01/2023

Dr. Ingrid Skop, in a Family Life Interview, about the harm many patients are suffering, because of the unchecked side effects of the abortion-triggering drug Mifepristone:  4/25/2023

Family Life’s weekly Pennsylvania and New York roundtable frequently discussed the matters surrounding the prevalence of these abortion pills, increasingly without a doctor’s supervision and care:  scroll through Capital Connection archives


SCOTUS ruling on FDA “Mail-Order Mifepristone” – 6/24/24

SCOTUS ruling on FDA “Mail-Order Mifepristone” – 6/24/24

A Special Family Life Interview

The U.S. Supreme Court, at least temporarily, has allowed continued mail-order distribution of abortion-inducing pills. A group of pro-life physicians had sued to stop the practice, after FDA regulations were revised to eliminate a requirement to meet with a doctor before starting the process to end the pregnancy. The latest FDA rules say even a video visit with a prescriber is no longer needed.

Opponents of widespread use of the two-pill “cocktail” of Mifepristone and Misoprostal quote the FDA’s own statistics that 1 of every 25 women who take these drugs end up in an emergency department with complications. Other physical and emotional-health consequences are likely more numerous.

Attorney Katie Daniel of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America gave Family Life News her reaction to the SCOTUS decision, predictions on where the case goes next, and why these pills can be so harmful to women, especially with no required followup with a medical professional.


For further information:

  • More from Katie Daniel: In-depth polling, conducted by CRC Research for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, reveals that 75% of Americans believe the FDA should have performed studies focused on girls under the age of 18 before approving these pills for minors.
  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: That organizations official website
  • SBA on WPLG: Women’s safety, in light of sexual trafficking and domestic abusers
  • Click the picture of the Court building to read the full June 13 decision.
Faith Under Fire – NY’s AG v Pregnancy Resource Centers – 6/20/24

Faith Under Fire – NY’s AG v Pregnancy Resource Centers – 6/20/24

“Faith Under Fire” – New York’s Attorney General v Pregnancy Resource Centers – 6/20/24

Pregnancy Care Centers are suing State Attorney General Tish James, to prevent the AG from suing the pro-life centers who want to share medical information about the dangers of two abortion-triggering pills.

Gabriella McIntyre of the Alliance Defending Freedom joins Sarah Harnisch to discuss the issues underlying these current and proposed legal battles, plus what the courts will be asked to consider about Freedom of Speech, government regulations, and the public’s access to appropriate medical information.



“Faith Under Fire” is our weekly interview feature which listens to the voices at the center of today’s religious battlegrounds. Hear these conversations each Thursday during our Noon Report and 5 O’Clock Report — and anytime from FamilyLife.org, on the Family Life Now app, or by searching “Family Life News” on your favorite podcast feed.

Capital Connection – 3/22/24

Capital Connection – 3/22/24

Capital Connection” on Family Life

Two family-values watchdogs join the Family Life Noon Report each Friday, to recap and analyze the biggest social, cultural and political stories of the week. Among the events and issues on the agenda for Jason McGuire and Michael Geer this week:

  • New York is losing support for government support of legalized marijuana (but doubling down anyway)
  • Pro-abortion matters in the PA legislature and pro-life matters in a number of Pennsylvania communities
  • Bypassing doctors, Governor Hochul says pharmacies can dispense abortion-inducing drugs, without a prescription
  • The start of “March Madness” is a prime time to evaluate sports betting in our two states

Jason McGuire is executive director of an advocacy/educational group which recently updated its name and logo to reemphasize its mission: New York Families.

Michael Geer founded the Pennsylvania Family Institute in 1989, serving as its president since that time.


For further information:

PAfamily.org       NewYorkFamilies.org       FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement – 2/29/24

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement – 2/29/24

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement

A prolife leader in Pennsylvania says abortions happen 34,000 times annually in Pennsylvania, but that the number is decreasing.

Maria Gallagher of PA Prolife Federation says that has abortion providers seeking more funding from government coffers, to make up for lost revenue. Governor Josh Shapiro’s administration has reclassified a longtime budget item which supported agencies which offer alternatives to abortion, but that money now goes to businesses that provide abortions and abortion pills.

Gallagher says the general public can speak up to their leaders in the executive and legislative branches about whether citizens support the use of tax money to end these pregnancies.

In this interview, she also speaks about ways that care centers provide encouragement, perspectives and resources to women — during a pregnancy and after a baby is born.





We began and ended the month with interviews with Maria Gallagher. Click the link below for our earlier conversation with her about a state Supreme Court ruling that had just happened. A lower court chose not to hear a Planned Parenthood lawsuit seeking to open more Pennsylvania Medicaid funding for more abortions. The high court narrowly determined the suit had enough merit to be decided by the Commonwealth Court.

Faith Under Fire – PA Prolife – Maria Gallagher – 2/01/24

“Faith Under Fire” is the Thursday Family Life News Feature which explores governmental, judicial and social controversies which impact the lives of New Yorkers, Pennsylvanians and others. Previous editions — on a full range of topics — are always available from FamilyLife.org and on most podcast hosting services … look for “Family Life News”.


Capital Connection – Life Issues (at the beginning & the end), Free to choose a better school? – 1/26/24

Capital Connection – Life Issues (at the beginning & the end), Free to choose a better school? – 1/26/24

Capital Connection” on Family Life

Abortion Politics Reign in Albany and Harrisburg

Another Pro-Life Issue:  Is this the year for Assisted Suicide?

School Choice Debate

Christian watchdogs and political activists Jason McGuire and Michael Geer take a deep dive into the issues you care about each Friday on “Capital Connection”.  Listen to this analysis of this week’s biggest cultural and governmental issues in Pennsylvania and New York.

For follow-up on stories discussed in this edition:


Faith Under Fire – A local take on pro-life/pro-abortion debates – 1/25/24

Faith Under Fire – A local take on pro-life/pro-abortion debates – 1/25/24

As the abortion industry and many politicians look to put abortion into state constitutions, many in the pro-life movement seek to redefine the debate.

Christina Fadden is president of Syracuse Right to Life. The day after the National March for Life in DC, that group and its partners held a local rally and March for the Onandaga County region. The Syracuse March (held Saturday, January 20) is the longest-running march in New York State.

In this Family Life interview leading up to that event, Fadden talks about the “right” to have an abortion, and how that belief system has become embedded in many people’s thoughts and much of the media coverage. Local groups are working to clarify and correct the terms, so that people go beyond a “right to choose” and more toward “human rights” for everyone, including unborn children.

Additional information:


A Family Life Interview – Robyn Chambers at the National March for Life – 1/19/24

A Family Life Interview – Robyn Chambers at the National March for Life – 1/19/24

Robyn Chambers, vice president for children’s advocacy for Focus on the Family, gives our Family Life listeners and web visitors her perspective from the National March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Chambers talks about the mood and strategies of the prolife movement, a year and a half after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that there is no “right” to abortion in the Federal Constitution, but as the debate moves to each state deciding on abortion.


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