Tag: #FaithUnderFire

Faith Under Fire: Alliance Defending Freedom vs. Attorney General Letitia James

Faith Under Fire: Alliance Defending Freedom vs. Attorney General Letitia James

In May, New York’s Attorney General, Letitia James, sued 11 crisis pregnancy resource centers across the state because they offer an “unsafe” abortion pill reversal. More than 60 percent of the time, these clinics have been able to save the life of a baby when the mother has taken a mail-order abortion pill like Mifepristone.


Now, one of the largest Christian law firms in the nation has come beside these clinics with a counter suit in federal court.


Family Life News Anchor Sarah Harnisch sat down with Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Gabriella McIntyre to discuss the case.


To learn more about the work of ADF, go here: https://adflegal.org/?utm_source=vanity-url&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=adflegal.com

A local Christian administrator’s take, on campus protests – 5/09/24

A local Christian administrator’s take, on campus protests – 5/09/24

Campus Protests_One Christian School’s View

This Family Life News Feature sought informed perspectives on the demonstrations and protests — and in a few cases, violence and anti-Semitic hatred — on some college campuses across the nation.

Dr. Wayne Lewis is president of Houghton University, a Christian school in Houghton, New York. In this conversation, Lewis:

  • talks about his reactions not only to the protests, but the various ways university administrators responded to the campus disruptions
  • asks why mistreatment of Jewish students was allowed, at schools where harassments and threats against any other group would not be tolerated
  • says academia needs more freedom of speech and freedom of thought, for its students and professors from all along the social and cultural spectra

President Lewis says the ways that some campus demonstrations got out of control so quickly was predictable, considering how the past few years have magnified a “cancel culture” where some groups and issues are honored and celebrated, while differing views were silenced. He says that — especially in higher education — all positions and pronouncements should be subject to equal amounts of rigorous evaluation and analysis.

(For the record, Dr. Lewis says protests like this did not happen on their Southern Tier campus. Houghton’s baccalaureate and commencement ceremonies will happen this weekend, as scheduled.)



Portions of Greg Gillispie’s special Family Life interview first aired in the Noon Report and 5 O’Clock Report on May 9, 2024.

Faith Under Fire – Communists Seeking Christianity – 5/02/24

Faith Under Fire – Communists Seeking Christianity – 5/02/24

Communists Seeking Christianity – Family Life’s “Faith Under Fire”

As the Soviet Union’s government was crumbling, leaders there turned to American Christians to seek solutions to the problems of the USSR.

John Bernbaum and prominent Christian evangelist Philip Yancey were invited to Russia, to tell how faith could overcome the social and moral problems there.  Bernbaum gives highlights of this fascinating story to Family Life’s Greg Gillispie.

You will hear how a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC led to invitations for a Christian delegation to talk with Soviet groups, how political and economic problems are rooted in a lack of values and morals in the culture, and Bernbaum’s comments on lessons from the 1990’s Soviets which should inspire church folks in 2020’s America.

John Bernbaum and Philip Yancey are co-authors of “What Went Wrong: Russia’s Lost Opportunity and the Path to Ukraine”



Faith Under Fire – Hostility Toward Churches: Implications – 4/18/24

Faith Under Fire – Hostility Toward Churches: Implications – 4/18/24

Hostility Toward Churches: Causes & Implications

Faith Under Fire – 4/18/24

A six-year national study of threats, violence and vandalism aimed at churches and religious organization shows the danger spiked in 2023. This edition of Family Life’s “Faith Under Fire” feature invites back Arielle Del Turco for a second conversation. Today, we recap the results of that survey, but then go beyond the statistics to the causes and implications.

  • How do the current cultural perceptions of Christians affect how faith institutions see more threats and violence?
  • What trends are seen in what types of churches and entities are more likely to become targets, and should all religious groups band together to denounce anti-Christian hostility?
  • What advice does she have for Christians to make a positive influence on the surrounding culture?
  • Going to worship is safe, considering the 900+ incidents in six years compared to the millions of religious gatherings in that time. Still, what should leaders of congregations and faith-based networks learn from this study?

We also encourage you to listen to, share or download our earlier conversation with Del Turco (Faith Under Fire 4/04/24) when she talked about the numbers and trends which she compiled with this annual report. Other resources are also linked from that podcast at FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts.


Arielle Del Turco is the director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council.

Hostility against churches – Faith Under Fire – 4/04/24

Hostility against churches – Faith Under Fire – 4/04/24

Rising Hostility Against Churches – This week on “Faith Under Fire”

The number of incidents of assaults, violence, vandalism and other hostile actions against Churches across the USA doubled in 2023, compared to the relatively high number of incidents reported the previous year. Threats and actual attacks became eight times more frequent than just six years ago.

The Family Research Council has studied law enforcement statistics, news reports and other information to compile a study of Hostility Against Churches from 2018 to 2023. Arielle Del Turco is the director of their Center for Religious Liberty. She joins Family Life News to talk about this new reality, causes for this disturbing trend, and what Christians need to know about their safety and about threats that are a direct result of the increasing secularization of the culture.

For more information:

  • An overview of this FRC study  [ www.frc.org ]
  • The full report, which includes 11 pages of analysis, maps and charts, and a full listing of all incidents of crimes and threats aimed at Christian entities
  • A 45-minute Family Research Council podcast, which delves further into the causes, recommendations for action, and how reactions by courts and the media and the general public have taken away cultural respect for the church.
  • Del Turco’s testimony at a 2023 Congressional hearing about violence against churches and other faith-based organizations



Ministry to Dads, and Other Men – “Dad Tired” Men’s Ministry – 4/03/24

Ministry to Dads, and Other Men – “Dad Tired” Men’s Ministry – 4/03/24

Many men are tired, feeling guilty, and beat down — because of the challenge of meeting expectations, and (often) because they don’t feel the presence of a support system around them.

Into those realities, comes a national men’s ministry named Dad Tired.  It’s founder, Christian pastor Jerrad Lopes, tells Family Life’s Greg Gillispie about the unexpectedly profound rationale behind the group’s name. He talks about why most men today feel like they struggle, about the one common theme he senses from men across the country (and how guys can resolve that #1 dilemma).

In this conversation, he also talks very personally about his own crisis which led to the beginning of the Dad Tired Ministry eight years ago, how he helps dads (and all men) discover hope and healing, and ways that wives and churches and friends can help encourage the men in their lives.

Lopes also previews his upcoming conference on Saturday April 13 at Batavia, New York. Details, registration and ticket information are available from www.FamilyLife.org/events.

Jerrad Lopes is also a podcaster and author on these matters. DadTired.com has an online community where thousands of men have connected and found mutual encouragement.

An Insider’s Perspective on Haiti – Faith Under Fire – 3/28/24

An Insider’s Perspective on Haiti – Faith Under Fire – 3/28/24

An Insider’s Perspective on Haiti – Faith Under Fire

When gangs burst into prisons throughout the island nation of Haiti, it launched a cascade of violence and brutality which shook the residents, toppled the standing of government, and opened the doors to crime and murder.

Family Life News offers you a perspective on what it has been like to live in Haiti and offer Christian ministry and hands-on development there.  Darren Hercyk is a native of New York’s Southern Tier, a current resident of Harrisburg PA, and has directed global development programs for Liberty University.

Based on his three year’s experience in Haiti, he says the current civil unrest is one event in a long trend of disasters for Haitians — earthquakes, political upheaval, and hurricanes.

This conversation includes the need for immediate relief efforts, as well as the extensive Christian mission trips and longer range efforts. Hercyk says the most effective assistance would have two vital aspects:

  • A focus on long-term infrastructure: housing, schools, hospitals and other public services
  • Is centered on building up the ministries of the local churches in Haiti (or, for that matter, any troubled region)

Hercyk also gives us insights on the effectiveness that Haitian churches have had, when so many others entities have failed or collapsed. Even amid the disasters there, he says there is hope for Haiti — from its Christians.

Darren Hercyk has led global relief efforts and Christian humanitarian work, of his own as well as mentoring future mission workers. He has lived in ten nations doing such work, and directed programs for Messiah University and  Liberty University.

Gender, Sports, the First Amendment – Faith Under Fire – 3/21/24

Gender, Sports, the First Amendment – Faith Under Fire – 3/21/24

Gender, Sports, Parental Rights, and the First Amendment – “Faith Under Fire”

A small Christian school has sued its state sports association, after the Vermont Principals Association evicted the school’s teams  from the group. The Mid Vermont Christian School’s girls basketball team forfeited a state tournament game, rather than play an opposing team which included a 6-foot tall player who was born male.

Attorney Jake Reed says the forfeit which ended a successful sports season was a sharp punishment in and of itself, but the statewide group retaliated by forbidding that school from all participation in any other sport (and academic competitions) sponsored by the association. Mid Vermont is also out of a state tuition program, taking away advantages for students and families.

This brought a First-Amendment lawsuit, and the next hearing in the case happens in April. Greg Gillispie asked Reed about matters or parental rights and recent trends on how courts have been ruling in transgender cases and allegations of bias against people of faith.

Jacob Reed is an attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal organization which takes on cases related to religious freedom, marriage and family, free speech and the sanctity of life. His emphasis with ADF often centers on schools, students and educational matters.

Details of this specific case can be found here and here.

These are the links to the school and to the state association.

Diversity of viewpoints on a SUNY campus (an update) – 3/14/24

Diversity of viewpoints on a SUNY campus (an update) – 3/14/24

Faith Under Fire” from Family Life

A reversal by campus leadership will now allow a group of conservative students to receive official recognition for their local chapter of Turning Point USA at SUNY/Cortland. The student senate there had initially vetoed approval of Turning Point as a campus organization. However, a First Amendment lawsuit was filed, claiming that the senate had discriminated against the students’ Constitutionally-protected viewpoints and that opponents had launched a planned assault on the students bringing a petition for consideration. According to the Alliance Defending Freedom, the petitioners endured 100 minutes of questioning and demeaning responses from student senators and a philosophy professor. Students Gabriella Delorenzo and Megan Rothmund next took there concerns to the college president. Erik Bitterbaum warned that they would likely be denied again, telling them, “We silence voices all the time in this country. That’s the tragedy and also the greatness of democracy.”

A review committee at the State University of New York school reversed the rejection, giving the Turning Point chapter the same rights and privileges of other officially-sanctioned campus organizations.

In this exclusive Family Life interview, ADF attorney Matthew Hoffman gives background on this specific lawsuit (which as of now continues to be pending, as ADF wishes to assure that SUNY/Cortland’s policies protect a full range of viewpoints in future decisions). Hoffman, who also works with ADF’s Center for Academic Freedom, also offers his perspectives on freedom of speech and thought on campus and in the culture, and the danger that officials who try to shut down or punish prominent groups and speakers also have a “chilling effect” on others who agree with divergent viewpoints.


For more information:

The Alliance Defending Freedom:  ADFlegal.org

Specifics on the case and SUNY’s two actions:  adflegal.org/case/turning-point-usa-suny-cortland-v-cortland-college-student-association

Matthew Hoffman:  biography

Turning Point USA:  national website

SUNY/Cortland:  Student Government Association

Family Life News has also reached out to SUNY officials for their comments.

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement – 2/29/24

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement – 2/29/24

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement

A prolife leader in Pennsylvania says abortions happen 34,000 times annually in Pennsylvania, but that the number is decreasing.

Maria Gallagher of PA Prolife Federation says that has abortion providers seeking more funding from government coffers, to make up for lost revenue. Governor Josh Shapiro’s administration has reclassified a longtime budget item which supported agencies which offer alternatives to abortion, but that money now goes to businesses that provide abortions and abortion pills.

Gallagher says the general public can speak up to their leaders in the executive and legislative branches about whether citizens support the use of tax money to end these pregnancies.

In this interview, she also speaks about ways that care centers provide encouragement, perspectives and resources to women — during a pregnancy and after a baby is born.





We began and ended the month with interviews with Maria Gallagher. Click the link below for our earlier conversation with her about a state Supreme Court ruling that had just happened. A lower court chose not to hear a Planned Parenthood lawsuit seeking to open more Pennsylvania Medicaid funding for more abortions. The high court narrowly determined the suit had enough merit to be decided by the Commonwealth Court.

Faith Under Fire – PA Prolife – Maria Gallagher – 2/01/24

“Faith Under Fire” is the Thursday Family Life News Feature which explores governmental, judicial and social controversies which impact the lives of New Yorkers, Pennsylvanians and others. Previous editions — on a full range of topics — are always available from FamilyLife.org and on most podcast hosting services … look for “Family Life News”.



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