Tag: #familylifeinterview

Riley Gaines – Approaches to Women’s Sports (NCAA, NAIA, and Public Action) – 9/16/24

Riley Gaines – Approaches to Women’s Sports (NCAA, NAIA, and Public Action) – 9/16/24

This autumn marks a new chapter in the debates on transgendered athletes in sports for college students, teens and younger children.

With this new academic year, two major oversight organizations deal with collegiate sports will handle the question differently. The NCAA across all three of its divisions will support student-athletes who were born male to be active with women’s sports, women’s records and women’s scholarships. The NAIA which regulates sports for more than 250 smaller and mid-sized schools is going the other direction, with athletes playing either the male or female sports which matches their genetic makeup.

Riley Gaines, a former championship collegiate swimmer is now an advocate for fairness, privacy and safety surrounding transgender policies. She not only is a commentator for Outkick.com, she is a litigant in Title IX lawsuits against the NCAA. In this special Family Life Interview, she says she one significant change over the past year has been the level of public advocacy for protecting women and girls.

Archives of our Family Life interviews with former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines:

  • The Politics of Protecting Female Athletes (full 10-minute interview):  FLN 5/31/2024
  • Title IX, and a majority opinion on fairness which crosses all political stances:  FLN 5/29/2024
  • How Riley Gaines’ vocational calling began, as an advocate for women and girls:  FLN 10/31/2023

Also on the issue of gender, education and politics, Family Life aired a related interview 9/16/2024 with Shena Rossettie of the Twin Tiers Family Forum.



Riley Gaines recent testifying about her interactions with the NCAA and with a university president:

https://vimeo.com/1000850865#t=1h20m51s Georgia Senate Special Committee

A Missionary to Our Politicians – The Word on the Hill – 9/10/24

A Missionary to Our Politicians – The Word on the Hill – 9/10/24

A Missionary to Our Politicians

A special Family Life Interview

Steve Amerson and his wife traveled to Washington D.C. as weekly worship services returned to the halls of Congress. Since 2014, he has gone to Capitol Hill twice a month to meet with Senators, Representatives and Congressional staffers. Each time, he brings 200 handwritten notes with Scriptural encouragement and words of hope — that adds up to 37,000 handwritten notes across ten years.

His “The Word on the Hill” Ministries offers signs of spiritual renewal among all who work on Capitol Hill. Democrats, Republicans and Independents all get visits, prayers, and caring attention for the realities of their lives — amid the loneliness and stress of their government work, and the everyday crises and problems of their personal lives. While the ministry to elected Members of Congress has great value, this interview also includes the story of a young woman who works in a Capitol Hill

Bob Price asked Amerson to talk about his evangelistic and pastoral work, and the spiritual state of our Seat of Government. Tap the podcast player button to hear our interview.

You can discover more about Steve Amerson and the mission successes of The Word on the Hill Ministries from their website and in this video.



  “Of all the voices in government, God’s voice should be the loudest”




Making Sense of the Presidential Debate Prep – Family Life Interview – 9/10/24

Making Sense of the Presidential Debate Prep – Family Life Interview – 9/10/24

Local perspectives on the Tuesday Presidential Debate, the first (and perhaps only) debate between current Vice President Kamala Harris and the 45th President Donald Trump.

Family Life’s Noon Report today sought insights and a preview from Elmira-based political commentator Steve Coleman.


Missions Pulse – Let’s go to Paris – 9/04/24

Missions Pulse – Let’s go to Paris – 9/04/24

987 medals awarded at the Paris Olympics

Another 1,647 medals this week at the Paralympic games

10.500 athletes last month, and another 4,400 this week from 169 nations

700,000 New Testaments and Scripture books distributed!

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Yes, all of these statistics as the sports world has been focusing on Paris. Yes, 700,000 Bible books have been given out, in connection with the Paris Games over the past weeks.

Once every 4 years, the 2 versions of the Summer Games bring about a gathering of athletes, officials, families, dignitaries and fans from nearly every nation on the planet.

A network of evangelical Christian groups has been working for the past 18 months to coordinate a massive outreach to share Jesus with the people in the region which hosts the Games, and with all those people who come from all over to attend. Some of these people have never had an encounter with Christianity, even though they are citizens of some nations that the friendly to this faith. Some of the volunteer evangelists are sharing Good News with people from places and cultures where, back home, Christianity is banned.

Tom Hawkins is with Greater Europe Mission who is among the coordinating team for Ensemble 2024, a massive faith-sharing effort by a combined group of European and global Christians from a wide and diverse swath of the theological spectrum.It ranges from local congregations to large denominations to members of little house churches.

This Family Life exclusive takes you to Paris. Hawkins talks about some of the life-changing stories from these efforts and connections. As otherwise-disabled athletes are thriving in their athletic events this week, they see many Paralympic competitors (and fans with handicaps) who have dealt with physical setbacks are ripe to hear the Gospel.

He also provides hopeful insight about a potential transformation in Europe, where across the past 30 years, cultures have diminished their faith practices. He says though, that he sees signs that a continent which has increasing become defined as “post-Christian”, the culture appears to be, in any places, entering a “pre-Rivival” mode.



Bonus factoid:  The group of groups chose the name “Ensemble” to show how they are united across cultural and historical and theological distinctives — and because the same spelling of the same word has the same meaning, across multiple languages.


–   –   –   –   –

Tom Hawkins spoke to Family Life News Producer Greg Gillispie this week, via Zoom, from Paris. The Paralympics Games continue there through Sunday, September 8.


     For further information:

The Ensemble 2024 website

The Ensemble 2024 blog

Tom Hawkins works with Greater Europe Mission (GEM), which carries out extensive envangelization outreaches, during and beyond the Olympics.

Tom and his wife Bev met at Nyack College in New York. They have been mission workers in France since 1994.



Churches and Political Actions – Kim Roberts – 8/29/24

Churches and Political Actions – Kim Roberts – 8/29/24

Churches and Political Actions

A Family Life Interview with Kim Roberts

Many churches and denominations can be labeled as supportive of one side of the political spectrum or the other. Others avoid politics at all costs.

Part of the reason congregations avoid actions and speech related to electoral politics is fear of risking their non-profit status. However, federal law and IRS regulations do not silence Christian entities which want to promote voting and motivate their people into political action.

Family Life News asked reporter Kim Roberts to detail her research into what is and isn’t allowed when churches and campaigns overlap. Christian individuals can always be active with promoting or opposing a candidate, but when it comes to 501(c)3 organizations, they have to stay non-partisan about candidates. Yet churches and other religious ministries are free to speak out on public issues that weigh on the ballot box. There are no IRS consequences for churches to hold candidate forums, carry out voter registration or get-out-the-vote efforts, or offer rides to the polls. In fact, as you will hear in this conversation, the Church throughout history has been vibrant and vocal in the political and social issues around them.

Kim Roberts, a reporter for the Christian journalism organization Ministry Watch, also discusses how local, state and national candidates reach out to churches, in order to influence their members to vote a certain way. Also, political and culture-fight organizations are finding ways to motivate people of faith to elect certain candidates or stand for particular political issues.

Kim Roberts, MinistryWatch.com

Kim Robert’s detailed article “Church and Politics: What’s Allowed?” is available from www.MinistryWatch.com.  She also has other reporting on many faith-based events and issues.

Among the resources for congregations and church leaders — and other groups — she mentions in this podcast:

  • An IRS document, detailing the distinctions for 501(c)3 organizations on partisan politicking (not allowed) and lobbying (allowed)
  • Election guides for congregational planning from the NAACP and the Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Turning Point USA’s TPFaith efforts to motivate political and cultural action by conservative and mid-spectrum Christians
  • Black Church PAC’s plans to carry out a massive voter mobilization effort this fall
  • A political science professor’s observation that it is extremely rare that the IRS revokes a church’s charitable status, even if they carry out activities that lean solidly toward one candidate or one political party

Elections: Christian voter turnout falls short at the ballot box – 8/27/24

Elections: Christian voter turnout falls short at the ballot box – 8/27/24

Elections: Christian voter turnout falls short at the ballot box

One public opinion poll says one-third of Christian voters stay home on election day and don’t cast ballots.

A Christian social advocate says people of faith who choose not to practice what he calls their “Biblical Citizenship” are instead handing over their influence to other groups who do not share the same values.

Executive Director Jason McGuire of the New York Family Foundation says other constituencies have voter turnout that tops 90 percent for every election.


This week (8/27/2024) Family Life News is airing (and podcasting) a series of extended interviews giving a deeper dive into this year’s elections, beyond the individual candidates and campaigns.

In this conversation about Christians’ roles to shape government, McGuire also talks about:

  • Biblical mandates for faithful interaction with voting, campaigns and social action
  • Why some Christians believe they should avoid all of politics and partisanship
  • How Christians should consider an entire ballot and its consequences, not just the presidential choices
  • What a proposed Constitutional amendment in New York State could mean for Christ-centered citizens, people who hold traditional values, and all of their neighbors too
  • An effort to increase Christian turnout for early voting and on November 5 locally and in all 50 states, and how to sign up for non-partisan e-mail reminders


PA as a swing state, and the narrow slice of undecided voters – 8/26/24

PA as a swing state, and the narrow slice of undecided voters – 8/26/24

PA as a swing state, and a narrow slice of undecided voters – 8/26/2024


In this special Family Life Interview, political scientist Mark Caleb Smith analyzes how the two major political parties will need to focus on about 5% of eligible voters, and to push huge turnout among their own base voters — in order to win the presidential race, seats on Capitol Hill, and other November races.

Dr. Smith also gives his insights into Pennsylvania’s role as perhaps the most-signficant among a handful of “swing” states in this election battle, and why Gov. Josh Shapiro was not the running mate on the Democratic ticket.



Dr. Mark Caleb Smith is dean of the College of Arts and Humanities at Cedarville University, where he is also professor of political science.

Cedarville is a Christian university in southwestern Ohio.


Prolife Pregnancy Centers vs the New York Attorney General – 8/15/24

Prolife Pregnancy Centers vs the New York Attorney General – 8/15/24



A number of pro-life organizations are suing New York’s Attorney General. They argue that threats of legal actions by Letitia James and her office will seek to unconstitutionally silence their advice to clients who start on Mifepristone to chemically end a pregnancy, but then have second thoughts. The state sent letters to the pregnancy care center, threatening prosecution if they provide information about abortion-drug reversal processes to people who visit their clinics.

The Alliance Defending Freedom law group represents those centers and sought an injunction against the Attorney General. That hearing was today (August 15, 2024). Prior to this court hearing, Family Life news producer Greg Gillispie got a preview from ADF attorney Gabriella McIntyre.


The ADF statement about the case is here from their website ADFLegal.org.


Family Life News also reached out to the Attorney General’s media team, offering to interview James or her spokesperson.

This podcast post will be updated when we have their response.


Vocabulary & Tone matter, to communicate Faith & Values – 8/05/24

Vocabulary & Tone matter, to communicate Faith & Values – 8/05/24

How to “word” an Abortion Debate, to be more likely to change hearts and minds…..

A Christian public-relations specialist says people with a particular “take” on the pro-life/pro-abortion debate — or any other contentious cultural issue — would do well to choose productive tones and words to influence people who disagree. People can use productive vocabulary when we speak, and listen for accurate or inaccurate wording in speeches, news coverage and public debate.

Thomas Ciesielka has recommended a number of experts for other Family Life interviews on multiple”hot topics”. Family Life News Producer Greg Gillispie asked if he would do his own interview, about the best processes and techniques that shape public conversation.

Ciesielka says it is vital to be intentional and conscientious in choosing the wording of your statements and questions. Such choices determine whether you earn a hearing, then ultimately whether you can win or lose the argument.

Pennsylvania native Tom Ciesielka has a quarter-century of experience in public relations and business development. After working at another PR agency which wanted him to work for clients which violated his personal and religious values, he founded TC Public Relations which centers its media and messaging services toward Christian groups, pro-life organizations, and other nonprofits with traditional values:


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