Faith Under Fire – Clergy Appreciation – Pastors are “under fire” these days – 10/26/23

Faith Under Fire – Clergy Appreciation – Pastors are “under fire” these days – 10/26/23

Perspectives, especially during Clergy Appreciation Month: Relighting the fire in pastors’ souls

During this Clergy Appreciation Month, this Family Life interview gets an assessment on the stresses and challenges which local pastors and preachers have faced for multiple years.

The Rev. Sandy Hasenauer, a denominational official for 50+ American Baptist Churches in the Rochester/Genesee region of New York, talks about the trends of burn-out and flame-out demonstrated in national surveys. (A Barna survey says 48 to 52% of today’s pastors have “seriously considered leaving the ministry” in the past 12 months.) She offers some practical ways that congregations can boost their pastors in simple and practical ways.

Some techniques which are appreciated by clergy — and their families:

  • simple handwritten notes and cards with a word of encouragement and thanks (handwritten messages, she says, stands out in an e-mail/texting atmosphere
  • offering fair pay and benefits, and reevaluating this compensation annually
  • attending worship in person (pastors have expressed a loss of energy when significant percentages of the church stay home to worship virtually)

Hasenauer tells us that while October is Clergy Appreciation month, there are many ways that church members and congregations’ leadership councils can pray for and demonstrate care for their pastors year-round.

Family Life Interview – Wars in Ukraine & the Middle East – Mike Aleprete – 10/25/23

Family Life Interview – Wars in Ukraine & the Middle East – Mike Aleprete – 10/25/23

A global studies professor at a Pennsylvania Christian college sees geographic differences — but political parallels — between Russia’s war on Ukraine, and the aftermath of Hamas violence in southern Israel.

Doctor Mike Aleprete of Westminster College tells family life that it is a challenge for many in the American public to think long-term about international tensions. As an example, the international relations specialist says as Americans are focused on the Middle East, many heard nothing about the loss of civilian lives last week in a Ukrainian town:

Aleprete offers his analysis of both wars, comments on the anti-Israel protests which are popping up in the U.S. and elsewhere, and discusses governmental posturing and choices made by terror cells.

Aleprete also offered initial analysis of the attacks on Israel last week on our Family Life Noon Report. That interview is available here

Hometown Heroes – Christopher Knapp – Total Freedom – 10/24/23

Hometown Heroes – Christopher Knapp – Total Freedom – 10/24/23

Hometown Heroes” from Family Life

Helping people breaking the chains of addiction is the aim of a western New York ministry.    

The man running that ministry has seen both sides of the consequences of drug use.

One-time addict Christopher Knapp is now director of Total Freedom in Darien Center. Total Freedom offers a long-term, residential approach that seeks to treat the whole person, to break the addiction cycle and then keep them free of it – all with the framework of Biblical principles:

Yes, there are immediate results that begin in the short-term. Knapp though emphasizes that their long-term, residential approach to the problem gives those struggling something that may have proven elusive until they arrived: time.

Total Freedom describes its mission as “helping people overcome addictions and destructive lifestyles.” Their emphasis is not to be a rehab program but a process toward a complete lifestyle change — under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

More information, videos, and an application are available from their website.

Issues in Education – Conferences, Scores, and more – 10/23/23

Issues in Education – Conferences, Scores, and more – 10/23/23

Issues in Education” on Family Life

It’s Parent-Teacher Conferences time. How can parents and guardians make these meetings most effective and helpful for students. Former school administrator and now education watchdog Ralph Kerr gives his insights and advise on this edition of our Monday news feature “Issues in Education”. There are several questions which are particularly fruitful for this mid-semester check-in.

Also this week, Dr. Kerr talks about interactions parents and other constituents can have with their local school board, plus an update on standardized test scores.

Dr. Ralph Kerr with the “Teaching and Learning Institute”. TLI describes its mission as the emphasis to get Christians involved in their local public schools and become candidates for school board. The institute studied a recent election where fully half of 139 western New York school districts only had one candidate running for each of the open seats.

Capital Connection – Local war protests, PA’s March for Life, NY’s ban on fossil fuels – 10/20/23

Capital Connection – Local war protests, PA’s March for Life, NY’s ban on fossil fuels – 10/20/23

Capital Connection” on Family Life

Christian watchdogs Jason McGuire and Michael Geer discuss the latest issues in the news from Albany and Harrisburg, but first our weekly roundtable guests “weigh in” on the latest developments from the war in Israel.

On this week’s edition of “Capital Connection”:

  • The “Reach” of Free “Speech” when it comes to the Hamas war against Israel
  • A March for Life recap
  • New York’s Gas Ban goes to court

“Capital Connection” is on the radio each Friday during the Family Life Noon Report. You also can catch these conversations online — and share them with others. All of our Family Life News Podcasts are available to listen, download, subscribe to your phone/device/e-mail.

A Pastoral Perspective on the Middle East war – Dave Bretch – 10/19/23

A Pastoral Perspective on the Middle East war – Dave Bretch – 10/19/23

A Spiritual Perspective to the Israel/Hamas War :  How Far Back Does This Conflict Go and What Does the Bible have to say about it?

Issues involved in the latest war between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East are complicated and complex.

A southern New York pastor who has traveled to the Holy Lands offers his perspectives and Biblical insights on the tragic war which fired up less than two weeks ago in southern Israel.

Dave Bretch is pastor of Beartown Road Alliance Church near Corning.  Bob Price, anchor of the Family Life Noon Report, aired an extended interview with Rev. Bretch. Topics include:

  • Everyday realities and dangers faced by Christians living in Israel and the areas surrounding it.
  • History — and the philosophy — which formed the 20th-Century nation of Israel
  • Biblical background on the fighting over that small but vital geography
  • Bretch’s personal memories of his trip to the West Bank, and what people there face


Inside Out – The “Nones” and the “Dones” – 10/18/23

Inside Out – The “Nones” and the “Dones” – 10/18/23

“Inside Out” on Family Life : What can the Church do to reach the “Nones” and the “Dones”?

Some churchgoers are walking away. Others you might expect to come aren’t entering. Author and speaker Michelle Van Loon talks about the “Dones” and the “Nones,” and how to we can “spur one another on to good deeds” even outside a church worship service.    

“We are definitely in a time of great change and shift,” says author and speaker Michelle Van Loon. “When we talk about people that are ‘Dones’ we’re talking about people that once were active in church and they hit the exit door and never came back. When we talk about ‘Nones’ we may be including people that are done with church. We may also be including in that category people that have never been closely affiliated with the church, regular attenders, or members.”

While labels like these help us understand trends, Van Loon counsels us not to use them as reasons to give up on people.  

“It’s tempting to be able to use a category name to kind of assign meaning. But we know, and we know from the example of Jesus, that that is always a terrible idea,” she says. “He could see a naked madman running around the tombs, and He could say, ‘This person needs deliverance.’ Not, ‘This person needs exclusion.’ Or He could see a woman grabbing the hem of His garment who’d been excluded from the faith community because of her illness, and He responded differently.”  

The difference between what the Church can be and will be, and how people within it sometimes behave, is a reason some “Dones” give for leaving. It’s not usually the Jesus that we meet in the pages of Scripture or in prayer that has burned a person out or burned a person, in general,” she says. “It’s often His people behaving badly.”  

This gives those who embrace the Church even more reason to live as ambassadors, meeting people wherever they are.    

“No church can go to places where people are not wanting to attend a church service. But all of us are scattered into the world to be the Church,” she says. 

Michelle Van Loon is the author of seven books and has been writing about changes in the culture and the Church. Martha Manikas-Foster hosts “Inside Out”, one of our Wednesday news features which explores how living our faith from the inside out engages the world. Archives are available on FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts.


Hometown Heroes – Liz Smith – 5:9s outreach to first responders – 10/17/23

Hometown Heroes – Liz Smith – 5:9s outreach to first responders – 10/17/23

“Hometown Heroes” on Family Life

“We sometimes feel like we kind of have to put Jesus in a box, go to work, and we can take Him back out when we come home. We gotta break that.”  — Liz Smith

Chatauqua County (NY) Paramedic Liz Smith felt a divine calling to provide encouragement and support for first responders in her local area. She says law enforcement, firefighters and ambulance crew sometime need mental health services for PTSD and simply dealing with the stresses and tragedies they face in the line of duty to others. She also says spiritual nurture is an important component to help these front-line heroes.

She and a police officer had parallel visions for such a supportive group, and used the numbers in Matthew 5:9 (“Blessed are the peacemakers…”) to form their name.

Hear about this Christian outreach, about the needs of those on the front lines in their communities, and how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shaping those who answer the call when there is an emergency.

Hamas vs. Israel – a local Christian perspective – Mike Aleprete – 10/16/23

Hamas vs. Israel – a local Christian perspective – Mike Aleprete – 10/16/23

A special Family Life Interview

A week and a half into violence on Israel’s southern border, what do Americans need to know — about Hamas, Palestine, Israel, and another chapter of Middle East war?

A reasoned, expert, Christian perspective from an International Studies professor at a local Christian university. Dr. Mike Aleprete teaches Political Science at Westminster College, and has expertise about the Middle East and eastern Europe. Family Life’s Greg Gillispie asked Professor Aleprete about key matters for us to wisely analyze what is happening as Hamas committed terroristic acts, and Israeli defense forces respond:

  • What should we know about Hamas? 
  • What motivated them to strike at this time?
  • What is likely to happen next in that region?
  • What should Christian observers know about the residents of Gaza who are caught in this crossfire?
  • How does he interpret anti-Israel demonstrations on American college campuses and in many U.S. cities?


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