Tag: #specialfeature

“Doing Church” in the Aftermath of an Assassination Attempt – 7/25/24

“Doing Church” in the Aftermath of an Assassination Attempt – 7/25/24

“Doing Church” — “Being Church” — in the Aftermath of an Assassination Attempt

A Family Life Interview

For much of the nation, so much has happened in a two-week period, that the news-cycle has moved on from the assassination attempt in Butler County, Pennsylvania.

However, for the people of that immediate region an hour north of Pittsburgh, the trauma and the questions that started a mere two Saturdays ago will continue for quite some time.

Local churches there are responding — and will, into the long term.

Our Greg Gillispie talked with regional pastor Tom Harmon, asking about Christians’ local response, to an internationally-famous incident. Theirs is among many local congregations of multiple traditions and denominations reaching out in faithful responses in the aftermath of this shooting.


The Rev. Dr. Tom Harmon is executive presbyter for Beaver-Butler Presbytery, a network of 60 congregations in western Pennsylvania.

The organization to which Dr. Harmon refers is “Search for Common Ground”. The USA component of this worldwide movement released a public statement regarding the shooting of Donald Trump and three attendees at the Butler rally. The organization’s website is www.SFCG.org

Family Life News seeks to bring a Christian Worldview to what’s happening in New York, Pennsylvania, across the country, and around the world with 12 daily newscasts, special features, podcasts, and extended interviews like this one.

A Family Life Interview – Local analysis of the Biden-Harris campaign swap

A Family Life Interview – Local analysis of the Biden-Harris campaign swap

A Family Life Interview – Local analysis of Democrats’ next steps, post-Biden

In these early days since President Biden released a statement that he was stepping away from his reelection campaign, attention has centered around Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.

We get local analysis on these fast-changing political and governmental developments, with a Family Life Interview with Professor Jeff Bloodworth of Gannon University in Erie.  Bloodworth gives his initial reactions to Biden’s withdrawal from the race, historical perspectives on this year’s political machinations, and his observations about steps Democrats should take next to strengthen their electoral prospects.

Among those considerations, recruiting Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro to be the vice-presidential nominee — or perhaps even the new presidential candidate.

Dr. Jeff Bloodworth is one of our commentators for Family Life News on politics and history. He teaches both of those subjects at Gannon University.

Staycation – PA Trolley Museum – Bonus Content

Staycation – PA Trolley Museum – Bonus Content

Here is more from the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum….

Volunteer tour guide Gary Malaskovitz gives Greg Gillispie and our listeners a vision of that history, plus a ride on one of the nine fully-restored trolleys which still offer rides to the museum’s visitors.

In this bonus online content, two additional stories: why families enjoy bringing children to experience the museum’s education center, plus his own first-person experiences of riding Pittsburgh’s trolleys when he was a child.

Click the ticket or go to www.FamilyLife.org to hear our full “Staycation Destinations” visit to the Trolley Museum in Washington County PA.



The Attack on Trump — Political & Christian perspectives from Michael Geer – 7/18/24

The Attack on Trump — Political & Christian perspectives from Michael Geer – 7/18/24

The Attack on Trump — Political & Christian perspectives from Michael Geer – 7/18/2024

As part of the Family Life News continuing coverage of the attempt on Donald Trump’s life on July 13,  we continue to seek out reactions and perspectives from the Family Life listening area.

Michael Geer is the founding president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute. (He had been a resident of that area north of the Pittsburgh metro area.) Family Life news producer Greg Gillispie asked Geer to comment on the likely political fallout in Pennsylvania. Winning a majority of Keystone State voters is seen by both major political parties as a key to who will win the presidency this fall. Geer says the assassination attempt, plus the former president’s actions in the immediate aftermath, are likely to influence a number of uncommitted and independent voters.

Geer also offers a faith-based perspective on how, moving forward, this near-death experience is likely to affect the 45th president — and many people for whom this event can be a significant turning point.

The Attack on Trump — reaction from PA’s Governor and a Congressman – 7/15/24

The Attack on Trump — reaction from PA’s Governor and a Congressman – 7/15/24

The Attack on Trump — reaction from PA’s Governor and a Congressman – 7/15/2024

As part of the Family Life News continuing coverage of Saturday’s shooting attack which hit Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and three other people, here are reactions and updates from two elected officials in the Commonwealth.

Governor Josh Shapiro spoke at a news conference. He made the first public identification of the spectator who was killed by a gunman’s bullet.

Congressman Mike Kelly, whose district includes the Butler County site where the assassination attempt was made, was interviewed on Sunday.


Living with ALS – We hear from a military veteran – 7/15/24

Living with ALS – We hear from a military veteran – 7/15/24

Living with ALS – We hear from a military veteran

Tens of thousands of Americans deal with the challenges brought on by ALS — Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis — also known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”.

Research shows that people who served in the military are at a higher risk of developing ALS, although it is not yet known what causes this trend.

Elizabeth Fassler is one of those veterans living with ALS. She and her friend Shannon McCarthy discuss the disease, treatments and priorities — and how friends, families and caregivers can be most helpful.


Family Life Noon Report – July 4, 2024

Family Life Noon Report – July 4, 2024

Family Life Noon Report – July 4, 2024

“Freedom & Faith”

On this special edition of the Family Life Noon Report:

  • Actor Gary Sinise tells his story of how portraying Lieutenant Dan changed his life, and how he and his movie character has changed the lives of those in military service, their families, veterans, and — especially — disabled veterans.

[Spoiler alert: Forrest Gump’s commanding officer became a paraplegic because of his military service in Vietnam.] 

The award-winning, generational-touchstone movie Forrest Gump entered America’s consciousness — and our national conscience — when it debuted 30 years ago this weekend.

  • Christian professor Caleb Verbois gives us insight into how the Christian faith shaped America’s founding generation and their documents. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution are rooted in Biblical tradition and Christian priorities.
  • Political History professor Jeff Bloodworth talks about the extreme personal risks taken by Colonists who chose to rebel against the British king. He also told us that modern-day political turmoil and divisiveness is nothing new. Debate, derision and name-calling are a quintessial aspect of being a democracy — and has been throughout two and a half centuries of U.S. history.
  • The “free exercise” and “establishment” clauses are the parallel protections of religious freedom in the First Amendment. But, as we hear from Biblical scholar Paul Kemeny, the United States might have come close to having one official religion for at least some colonies in the new nation, but it was stopped by protests in the decade between the Declaration and the Constitution. Without that early advocacy for full religious liberty without government entanglements, freedom of religion would have been shaped very differently.


Our guests for this Faith & Freedom-themed holiday special:


Dr. Caleb Verbois is Professor of Political Science at Grove City College (Erie, Pennsylvania)

Dr. Jeff Bloodworth is Professor of History and Director of the Public Service and Global Studies Program at Gannon

Dean Paul Kemeny leads the School of Arts and Letters, as well as teaching Bible and Religious studies at Grove City College

Academy-award-winning actor Gary Sinise portrayed Forrest Gump’s commanding officer (and First Mate on Gump’s shrimp boat) in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump. His Gary Sinise Foundation is active in supporting current and previous American service personnel.

    • The American Veterans Center conducted the Gary Sinise interview. You can listen to or watch his longer conversation about Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, his full acting and directing career, and how disabled veterans have given him spiritual renewal and a meaningful life purpose.


Family Life’s News Producer Greg Gillispie hosts this July 4 half-hour special.

July 4 Special – Family Life News – 7/04/24

July 4 Special – Family Life News – 7/04/24

The Founders & and the Influence of Faith

Partisanship in Revolutionary Times … & in Ours

What Forrest Gump’s Lieutenant Dan shows veterans & civilians about Vietnam & about Hope

Colonials & the Earliest Debates on Religious Liberty

This is our Independence Day Holiday Special from Family Life News.

Greg Gillispie is your host for this series of special interviews for this patriotic weekend.

Trail Life USA – a Christian option to build the character and confidence of boys – 7/01/24

Trail Life USA – a Christian option to build the character and confidence of boys – 7/01/24



Trail Life USA – a Christian option, for those concerned about how the Boy Scouts of America have changed

Trail Life USA offers camping, outdoor adventures, a process for advancing through ranks and badges, and connects boys and male teens with adult role models.

In some ways this seems like what Boy Scouting has been doing for over a century. However, Trail Life has only been in existence for about a decade. In those ten years, participation in Trail Life has mushroomed to over 60 thousand — that as Scouting USA (the new identity for Boy Scouts) has dropped by fully half, from two million to one million.

While COVID, child safety scandals, less emphasis on outdoors activities (and more on electronic devices) and a general decline in the status of many membership-based organizations, today’s guest says the BSA’s departure from its traditional values is a big reason why. Trail Life USA is a national Christian ministry with the goal of building the character and confidence of boys.


Trail Life’s CEO Mark Hancock tells us about the specifically Christ-centered and boy-focused programs for boys from kindergarten through high school. Their activities are a response to national research that too many boys particularly do not have strong, helpful, positive male role models. Today’s Family Life Interview delves into the reasons Hancock sees successes where Trail Life troops have been started in all 50 states.




For follow-up information

Find more about Trail Life, how to charter a troop, and where to find a program for your sons: www.TrailLifeUSA.com

Here is a report on why Boy Scouts are faltering while Trail Life is growing:  “No Longer an ‘Alternative'”

A former pastor (and dad of two sons) now leads Trail Life USA:  Mark Hancock’s biography

Doctors vs the FDA: A Supreme Court decision on mail-order Mifepristone – 6/27/24

Doctors vs the FDA: A Supreme Court decision on mail-order Mifepristone – 6/27/24

Dr. Ingrid Skop was interviewed for the Family Life Noon Report, with a pro-life OB-GYN’s perspective on the recent Supreme Court decision saying the “Hippocratic Medicine” group was not the right plaintiff to bring suit against the Federal Food and Drug Administration.

Previous Family Life Interviews:

Attorney Katie Daniel of Susan B. Anthony Prolife America gave us initial reaction to this Supreme Court decision, why the justices’ ruling does not end this issue against the FDA, and what the next steps will be:  6/24/2024

Dr. Ingrid Skop spoke with us, as this case was being decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals:  6/01/2023

Dr. Ingrid Skop, in a Family Life Interview, about the harm many patients are suffering, because of the unchecked side effects of the abortion-triggering drug Mifepristone:  4/25/2023

Family Life’s weekly Pennsylvania and New York roundtable frequently discussed the matters surrounding the prevalence of these abortion pills, increasingly without a doctor’s supervision and care:  scroll through Capital Connection archives



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