Tag: #hope

Movie Critics and Audiences love “Sight”

Movie Critics and Audiences love “Sight”

Movie Critics and Audiences love “Sight

Another successful, meaningful real-life story … from faith-based movie producer Angel Studios

Family Life News takes you behind the scenes — and into this adventure — with a special interview.


You will hear highlights from this movie — and from Angel Studios’ Chief Distribution Officer Jared Geesey who tells us about the impact and the opportunities for inspirational and uplifting films, even for the larger general movie-going/movie-watching audience.


The film’s trailer: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12873300/

The real-life stories, of the doctor, of the patient: Angel Studios

God Never Gives Up on You – Max Lucado – 6/03/24

God Never Gives Up on You – Max Lucado – 6/03/24

A Special Family Life Interview

“America’s Pastor” Max Lucado have encouraging advice for two groups:

  • Someone whose self-doubt or mistakes has them wondering whether the Lord has given up on them
  • Congregations and their leaders who are wrestling with their proper role when people are concerned about the future of their nation.

Lucado, a Texas pastor and prolific writer of books and Bible Studies, told Family Life’s Greg Gillispie about the discoveries available when a seeker looks into the Old Testament accounts of eventual hero of the faith Jacob. Jacob’s life was full of setbacks, mistakes and turmoil. Yet, even if he was ready to give up — on himself or on God — the Lord never gave up on Jacob.


For further information:


Memorial Day 2024 – Special Feature – 5/27/24

Memorial Day 2024 – Special Feature – 5/27/24

Family Life has a special program for Memorial Day:

  • Emphasis on tributes of deceased military heroes (even more than a day off of work/school, and retail sales specials)
  • “Taps” and flag-folding rituals at military funerals
  • The history and significance of a National Cemetery
  • How Memorial Day can affect veterans who lost friends and colleagues in wartime and during deployments
  • A local pastor and a V-A chaplain reflect on the spiritual opportunities as we grieve and remember loved ones

Join Greg Gillispie and Bob Price at noon on Monday, as we tour Pennsylvania and New York for perspectives on Memorial Day.


(This Family Life News Special is also available on our podcast feeds, the Family Life Now mobile app, and you can download or share it from FamilyLife.org)

What churches get wrong, and how churches can help – 5/08/24

What churches get wrong, and how churches can help – 5/08/24

Churches Can Help in the Pornography Crisis

Sam Black joins Martha Manikas-Foster for this “Inside Out” podcast on successful ways churches are helping those ensnared by pornography. Black is the author of The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong about Pornography and How to Fix It.

 A lot of Christians use pornography. 

 “Two-thirds of the men in the Church — and a third of women in the church — say they have an ongoing struggle with pornography,” reports Sam Black, who has walked his own journey to healing. He is the author of The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong about Pornography and How to Fix It.

 He says that churches that default to a purity talk to fight pornography need a better plan.

 “They already know they need to be pure,” he says. “They just can’t seem to get the gorilla off their back.”

 The way that people who struggle with pornography find hope is in community, Black says. They need brothers and sisters, in a safe environment within distinct parameters, to come alongside them on the walk to freedom. “What I want to encourage you with is, through a safe place and a safe process, living in freedom is absolutely possible,” he says. “You need to press into it to get it.”

 But because pornography is tenacious, you won’t solve it alone.

 “With this encouragement, I also have to offer some caution: you don’t find freedom on your own,” he says. “Trying harder and leaning on your willpower and your resolve never lasts. You must involve others. And that’s why we have the Body of Christ.”




A free chapter of Sam Black’s book is available for download.

The Widow’s Window : A Conference for the Grieving – 4/29/24

The Widow’s Window : A Conference for the Grieving – 4/29/24

Licensed Christian counselor Bonnie Kellogg has a heart for the hurting.  She’ll headline a daylong conference for widows on Saturday, June 1st at the Chambers Wesleyan Camp in Beaver Dams, NY.  This event is intended to help those who are suffering “befriend their grief”.  Kellogg spoke recently about the conference to Family Life’s Bob Price.  Here’s some of their conversation.

Hometown Heroes – Tara Freeman – Women of Hope – 1/30/24

Hometown Heroes – Tara Freeman – Women of Hope – 1/30/24



After attending a great women’s conference, the founders of “Women of Hope” asked themselves why there wasn’t a local expression of such an outpouring of outreach and encouragement.

So, they created one.

Women of Hope, in northern Pennsylvania, sponsors events to meet the needs of many women in their community.

Tara Freeman says, unfortunately, many women miss out on the hope and love of the Bible’s story, and they instead can become “beat up by the Bible and burdened by the church, and I want them to feel there is hope and that Jesus is there to love them,” regardless of where they feel their life is at the moment. For women who have struggled with something in their past — or feel trapped or unsettled now — Women of Hope seeks to create a group where each person can feel comfortable, safe and accepted. Freeman says some participants have found healing from situations as wide-ranging as abusive relationship, childhood traumas and other challenges.

Women of Hope specifically does not hold its events at church buildings, in order to remove one potential perceived hurdle from some of those who are open to finding assurances of hope.


Tara Freeman (pictured at right at a “5 Under 40” ceremony) is president of Women of Hope, which began in June 2021 and held its recent conference in Troy, Pennsylvania. She was interviewed by Mark Webster of Family Life News.  “Hometown Heroes” brings you the stories of — and the inspiration from — people of faith who have created ways to be positive influences on the communities of Pennsylvania and New York. (Archives of this feature throughout the past 4 1/2 years are available here.)



Max Lucado – A Family Life News interview – 01/05/24

Max Lucado – A Family Life News interview – 01/05/24

Prominent Christian speaker, author (and advisor to presidents) Max Lucado is sharing a message of reassurance to anyone who feels they have strayed far from God:

“God never gives up on you”

Hear new comments from Max Lucado — for people who find themselves discouraged or hopeless, be that from personal situations, or exasperation about the tone of today’s culture. Using the Biblical story of God’s continual presence and grace in Jacob’s life, Lucado finds assurance that God relentlessly offers constant presence and new beginnings for all of us.

During this conversation, Greg also asked Lucado if he would offer a prayer for Family Life's listeners and web visitors, especially those who feel like they are facing the doubts and despairs which his Bible study addresses. Here is that prayer for you.

Family Life’s Greg Gillispie also interviewed Max Lucado when his book on Jacob was first released. We had that interview on the air in September 2023, and it is available among the podcasts of our News Features. You can listen to, download, or share that discussion here.

For further information:

A Family Life Special – Previewing this holiday season – 11/24/23

A Family Life Special – Previewing this holiday season – 11/24/23

Various angles today, about how the “holiday season” affects various people.

It’s an insightful half-hour with four special guests:

  • Financial expert Rachel Cruze offers her personal stories and professional recommendations on shopping and budgeting between now and Christmas. It’s OK — it’s even good — to be generous at this time of year. She cautions, though, that overspending and reliance on “stuff” to bring joy is misguided and harmful.
  • New York Pastor Dave Bretch offers those of us in America a perspective of what Christmas will be like in the Holy Land. He has led tours of the region where Jesus was born, as well as offering glimpses of U.S. and world history of Christmastime during wartime. For 2023, because of the war and terrorism in the region, the town of Bethlehem has already announced that all Christmas celebrations and events there for 2023 have been called off, to keep locals and visitors safe.
  • Another pastor in the Family Life listening area, Eric Johns, has first-hand insights of living on the streets as wintry weather begins to set in. He wraps up a 25-year string of spending Thanksgiving Week abiding with neighbors who are homeless for the holidays. Johns is involved with a congregation which has a heart for reaching out to those without a family, without a home, and (sometimes) without hope. Like many other churches, this congregation emphasizes how to share food, clothing and other items with people in need around them.
  • Jessica Meade, a Christian counselor in Pennsylvania, talks about personal and family expectations of what we think December and Christmas “should” be like. When it has been a hard year, or the circumstances of a family changes, people can drag themselves down when their holidays don’t feel like the happy Christmas movies or the stereotypical Christmas cards — let alone our own memories of good old days. She offers advice and practical steps to let loose of some traditions, find camaraderie with others who are living out a “Blue Christmas”, and ways to rediscover true wonder and joy, in anticipation of the Gospel story.

Please feel free to share this Family Life Special with others in your family, congregation, social circles, and other spheres of your influence.

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Max Lucado – A Special Family Life Interview – 09/22/23

Max Lucado – A Special Family Life Interview – 09/22/23

Max Lucado says people who think that God has given up on them need to discover the divine promises demonstrated in the Biblical story of Jacob.

The prolific writer’s latest book is entitled “God Never Gives Up on You“, and he joined Family Life for an extended interview about the topic of his Scriptural encouragement for people whose self-image leans more toward struggler or fumbler. He tells our Greg Gillispie about how he was motivated by Jacob’s story to offer reminders of God’s perfect plan to use imperfect people to do great things.

In this conversation this master storyteller speaks about the Biblical story, but also focuses on how people today can find transformation by claiming God’s love and grace, God’s mercy and relentless love. Lucado offers his take on what pastors and congregations could do, to speak truth into a surrounding culture full of discouragement and divisiveness.

Lucado and his publishers have also created a free video Bible study for individuals and churches to use, exploring how Jacob’s story emphasizes how the Lord redeems our stories.


Max Lucado has been called “America’s Pastor”. In addition to decades of congregational leadership in Florida, Brazil, and Texas, he also is a renown author of books and Bible studies and devotionals — even as he says he “writes books for people who don’t read books.” He speaks at major Christian events, has advised presidents, and offers a podcast for “the hurting, the lonely, the guilty, and the discouraged.”


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