Tag: #prolife

Capital Connection – 4/19/24

Capital Connection – 4/19/24

Christian watchdogs Jason McGuire (who leads the New York Families Foundation) and Michael Geer (who leads the Pennsylvania Family Institute) discuss the weighty issues in the news each Friday on Family Life’s “Capital Connection“.  Here’s what’s happening this week:

  • New York’s Parental Replacement Act
  • Punishing De-Transitioners in Pennsylvania
  • Limits on Cellphones in School
  • Abortion Extremism in the NYS Budget
  • Previewing Primary Day in PA



Today’s conversation mentioned Chloe Cole, whose body was medically transformed when she was underaged — starting at 12 years old. Her personal dilemmas continued through her teen years, and as a young adult she underwent a “de-transitioning” in order to be a female. She talked about her life and her unique perspective on the so-called “gender-affirming” social movement at her Capitol Hill testimony in 2023. The August 2 Family Life News Feature offered highlights of her first-person presentation, and you can hear, share or download it from FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts.


For more information:



Capital Connection – Politics & Easter, Marijuana Biz, and more – 4/05/24

Capital Connection – Politics & Easter, Marijuana Biz, and more – 4/05/24

Capital Connection – Politics & Easter, Marijuana Biz, and more – 4/05/24

This week’s Capital Connection roundtable examines the “big issues” in New York and Pennsylvania. The agenda for this episode includes:

  • Politics and faith had a big overlap during Easter Week, with Joe Biden’s triple Sunday proclamations and Donald Trump’s promotion of a specialty Bible
  • Legalization of marijuana in Pennsylvania could trigger the same economic, criminal and social problems other states have already seen
  • Phrasing of a New York legislative proposal affects the debate: is it “death with dignity” or “physician-assisted suicide”?
  • Some legislators recommend action that could affect PA charter schools, limiting some families’ school choice

Dan Bartkowiak substitutes for Michael Geer this week. Bartkowiak is the Director of Communications for the Pennsylvania Family Institute. [ online at PAFamily.com ]

Jason McGuire is Executive Director of the New York Families Federation.  [ online at NewYorkFamilies.org ] In this podcast, McGuire explains the “rebranding” of that group, previously called New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms.

Capital Connection – 3/22/24

Capital Connection – 3/22/24

Capital Connection” on Family Life

Two family-values watchdogs join the Family Life Noon Report each Friday, to recap and analyze the biggest social, cultural and political stories of the week. Among the events and issues on the agenda for Jason McGuire and Michael Geer this week:

  • New York is losing support for government support of legalized marijuana (but doubling down anyway)
  • Pro-abortion matters in the PA legislature and pro-life matters in a number of Pennsylvania communities
  • Bypassing doctors, Governor Hochul says pharmacies can dispense abortion-inducing drugs, without a prescription
  • The start of “March Madness” is a prime time to evaluate sports betting in our two states

Jason McGuire is executive director of an advocacy/educational group which recently updated its name and logo to reemphasize its mission: New York Families.

Michael Geer founded the Pennsylvania Family Institute in 1989, serving as its president since that time.


For further information:

PAfamily.org       NewYorkFamilies.org       FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts

Capital Connection – 3/15/24

Capital Connection – 3/15/24

Capital Connection” on Family Life     3/15/24

Christian watchdogs Jason McGuire and Michael Geer discuss the issues making news from Albany and Harrisburg from a faith and family perspective.

Listen for the latest analysis on these stories:

Making Political Hay out of the IVF Controversy

Recapping Legislative Day 2024 in New York

Decriminalizing Adultery, perhaps

New Bill Targets Gambling Addiction

Abortion Expansion Efforts in Pennsylvania

Jason McGuire is executive director of the New York Families Foundation: www.newyorkfamilies.org

Michael Geer is president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute: www.pafamily.org

They (and other representatives of these two organizations) join Family Life’s Bob Price for this weekly roundtable on the Friday edition of the Family Life Noon Report.

Capital Connection – 3/08/24

Capital Connection – 3/08/24

The Disastrous Rollout of Marijuana Inc.  in New York

A Christian Perspective to the IVF Debate

Protecting Election Integrity

Previewing Legislative Day 2024


Christian watchdogs Jason McGuire and Dan Bartkowiak discuss the weighty issues in the news from the state capitals in Albany and Harrisburg.  Here’s what’s going on this week …on Family Life’s “Capital Connection”.


An Update from the PA Prolife Movement – 2/29/24

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement – 2/29/24

An Update from the PA Prolife Movement

A prolife leader in Pennsylvania says abortions happen 34,000 times annually in Pennsylvania, but that the number is decreasing.

Maria Gallagher of PA Prolife Federation says that has abortion providers seeking more funding from government coffers, to make up for lost revenue. Governor Josh Shapiro’s administration has reclassified a longtime budget item which supported agencies which offer alternatives to abortion, but that money now goes to businesses that provide abortions and abortion pills.

Gallagher says the general public can speak up to their leaders in the executive and legislative branches about whether citizens support the use of tax money to end these pregnancies.

In this interview, she also speaks about ways that care centers provide encouragement, perspectives and resources to women — during a pregnancy and after a baby is born.





We began and ended the month with interviews with Maria Gallagher. Click the link below for our earlier conversation with her about a state Supreme Court ruling that had just happened. A lower court chose not to hear a Planned Parenthood lawsuit seeking to open more Pennsylvania Medicaid funding for more abortions. The high court narrowly determined the suit had enough merit to be decided by the Commonwealth Court.

Faith Under Fire – PA Prolife – Maria Gallagher – 2/01/24

“Faith Under Fire” is the Thursday Family Life News Feature which explores governmental, judicial and social controversies which impact the lives of New Yorkers, Pennsylvanians and others. Previous editions — on a full range of topics — are always available from FamilyLife.org and on most podcast hosting services … look for “Family Life News”.


Capital Connection – Life, Activism, and School Choice – 2/16/24

Capital Connection – Life, Activism, and School Choice – 2/16/24

Each Friday, the Capital Connection Crew delve into the thorny issues impacting our listeners all over New York and Pennsylvania.  Here’s what’s happening this week in Albany and Harrisburg

Abortion, by the numbers in Pennsylvania

Push to Legalize Doctor Assisted Suicide in New York

What Christian Activism looks like in 2024

School Choice runs into hurdles in Harrisburg

Why Sports Betting is a bad bet for New York






Jason McGuire is the executive director of the New Yorker’s Family Research Federation [NewYorkFamilies.org]

Michael Geer is president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Family Institute [PAFamily.org]


Capital Connection – 2/09/24

Capital Connection – 2/09/24

New York’s lawyers’ group says doctors should assist in suicides.

A gun-rights rally in Pennsylvania draws media attention — and a prominent political candidate

How can parents opposed to the actions of the trans-gender movement stand up for their own families?


Each Friday, Family Life’s “Capital Connection” feature talks with leading pro-family advocates who lobby at the state capitols in Harrisburg and Albany. Listen for this 10-minute analysis from Jason McGuire (executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms) and Michael Geer (president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute).


Both of these organizations have additional videos, podcasts, commentary and position papers. They are available through the tabs below.

NY:       PA: 

Faith Under Fire – PA Prolife – Maria Gallagher – 2/01/24

Faith Under Fire – PA Prolife – Maria Gallagher – 2/01/24

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court this week, by a narrow 4-3 vote, ruled that a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood is to be heard by a lower court. At issue is a question about whether Pennsylvania can restrict the state’s Medicaid funds only to pay for the abortions which are directly related to situations of rape, incest, or if the pregancy is a risk to the mother’s life. The dominant provider of abortions contends that Pennsylvania’s Medicaid policies over the past 20 years unconstitutionally harm the “rights” of poorer people.

The Commonwealth Court trial has not happened to decide the issue; the Supreme Court majority merely ruled that the case must be tried.

For an interpretation and perspectives on the case and its related issues, Family Life news producer Greg Gillispie spoke Monday with Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the PA Prolife Federation.


You can find more about PA Prolife’s work beyond this one court case on their website.




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