Tag: #specialfeature

Water Safety Expertise for the Summer – 6/25/24

Water Safety Expertise for the Summer – 6/25/24


Water Safety Expertise for the Summer

The end of the school year and the start of the summer means many people will be heading to lakes, rivers, swimming pools and water parks.

Several tragic drownings have happened in our two states already this month, so Family Life News sought out expertise on “best practices” for individuals and families as they head out for swimming, boating and other outdoor recreation

Tim Marshall is the Public Safety Director for Stueben County in New York’s Southern Tier. His water-safety recommendations apply is lots of locations, and for people of every age.

This extended conversation was aired as part of the Family Life Noon Report with Bob Price on June 25.


Movie Critics and Audiences love “Sight”

Movie Critics and Audiences love “Sight”

Movie Critics and Audiences love “Sight

Another successful, meaningful real-life story … from faith-based movie producer Angel Studios

Family Life News takes you behind the scenes — and into this adventure — with a special interview.


You will hear highlights from this movie — and from Angel Studios’ Chief Distribution Officer Jared Geesey who tells us about the impact and the opportunities for inspirational and uplifting films, even for the larger general movie-going/movie-watching audience.


The film’s trailer: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12873300/

The real-life stories, of the doctor, of the patient: Angel Studios

SCOTUS ruling on FDA “Mail-Order Mifepristone” – 6/24/24

SCOTUS ruling on FDA “Mail-Order Mifepristone” – 6/24/24

A Special Family Life Interview

The U.S. Supreme Court, at least temporarily, has allowed continued mail-order distribution of abortion-inducing pills. A group of pro-life physicians had sued to stop the practice, after FDA regulations were revised to eliminate a requirement to meet with a doctor before starting the process to end the pregnancy. The latest FDA rules say even a video visit with a prescriber is no longer needed.

Opponents of widespread use of the two-pill “cocktail” of Mifepristone and Misoprostal quote the FDA’s own statistics that 1 of every 25 women who take these drugs end up in an emergency department with complications. Other physical and emotional-health consequences are likely more numerous.

Attorney Katie Daniel of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America gave Family Life News her reaction to the SCOTUS decision, predictions on where the case goes next, and why these pills can be so harmful to women, especially with no required followup with a medical professional.


For further information:

  • More from Katie Daniel: In-depth polling, conducted by CRC Research for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, reveals that 75% of Americans believe the FDA should have performed studies focused on girls under the age of 18 before approving these pills for minors.
  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: That organizations official website
  • SBA on WPLG: Women’s safety, in light of sexual trafficking and domestic abusers
  • Click the picture of the Court building to read the full June 13 decision.
Transgender Athletes & Female Sports – An Update from PA

Transgender Athletes & Female Sports – An Update from PA

Transgender Athletes & Female Sports – An Update from Pennsylvania’s State Capitol

An extended Family Life interview with State Representative Valerie Gaydos, who represents District 44 in Western Pennsylvania.

A former college athlete herself, Rep. Gaydos emphasizes fairness and safety as valid reasons to limit girls’ and women’s sports to those who were born female


        Family Life News Producer Greg Gillispie spoke with her at the recent Pennsylvania Family Institute event in Moon Township.

God Never Gives Up on You – Max Lucado – 6/03/24

God Never Gives Up on You – Max Lucado – 6/03/24

A Special Family Life Interview

“America’s Pastor” Max Lucado have encouraging advice for two groups:

  • Someone whose self-doubt or mistakes has them wondering whether the Lord has given up on them
  • Congregations and their leaders who are wrestling with their proper role when people are concerned about the future of their nation.

Lucado, a Texas pastor and prolific writer of books and Bible Studies, told Family Life’s Greg Gillispie about the discoveries available when a seeker looks into the Old Testament accounts of eventual hero of the faith Jacob. Jacob’s life was full of setbacks, mistakes and turmoil. Yet, even if he was ready to give up — on himself or on God — the Lord never gave up on Jacob.


For further information:


Riley Gaines, Title IX, and the Politics of Protecting Female Athletes – 5/31/24 – Capital Connection

Riley Gaines, Title IX, and the Politics of Protecting Female Athletes – 5/31/24 – Capital Connection

Riley Gaines, Title IX, and the Politics of Protecting Female Athletes

A special edition of Capital Connection- 5/31/24



Women’s sports advocate Riley Gaines says even though majorities of Americans want to protect girls’ locker rooms, female sports records, and women’s teams — regardless of politic party affiliation.

In this conversation, Gaines talks about the ways that Democratic politicians have “failed in their most basic duties”. She faults the Biden administration for unilaterally rewriting the Title IX civil rights legislation which had opened opportunities for girls and women in education and athletics for more than half a century.

Greg Gillispie also asked her about the disparities which start this fall, between how the NCAA and NAIA will deal with participation by athletes who were born male.


You can listen to Part One of our exclusive interview with Riley Gaines on the May 29 Family Life News Podcast.


More information about the Riley Gaines presentation in Cranberry Township (Friday, May 31) is available from the Pennsylvania Family Institute.

After her successful career as an SEC swimmer at the University of Kentucky, Gaines was brought on as a columnist and commentator for the news site Outkick.com.


- - - - Family Life News has reached out to the White House Communications Office and to New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, seeking any response they may have to what Riley Gaines told us in this interview. If/when we hear back, you will hear from them.
Riley Gaines — Who will stand up for the daughters and granddaughters? — May 29, 2024

Riley Gaines — Who will stand up for the daughters and granddaughters? — May 29, 2024

Riley Gaines, Sports when XX and XY compete, and the lack of advocacy for the majority position


Women’s sports advocate Riley Gaines says transgender inclusion in women’s sports is supported by small numbers of Americans.

She quotes a Gallup Poll showing more Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all see unfairness when someone born male takes away a roster position, a scholarship, or a sports record from a female athlete. Still the loudest voices are outshouting those majorities.

In this first part of a two-part interview, Gaines tells Family Life News about the core issues at hand, and why women’s sports should be set aside for women and girls.

She also talks about Title IX, the Federal civil rights legislation which opened up educational and athletic opportunities for females starting more than 50 years ago.  She credits that women’s-rights movement for opening fabulous doors for her. However, as the U.S. President tries to change Title IX to take away women’s opportunities and give them to athletes who “identify as female”, she notes that 20+ states are not going along with the Biden Administration efforts.

You can listen to Part Two of our exclusive interview with Riley Gaines on the May 31 Family Life News Podcast.


More information about the Riley Gaines presentation in suburban Pittsburgh (Friday, May 31) is available from the Pennsylvania Family Institute.

Riley Gaines won five Southeastern Conference swimming titles, and she is a twelve-time All American. Gaines set aside her dental career as she graduated from the University of Kentucky, after she tied for a trophy in a collegiate swimming competition, but that trophy went to a transgender athlete because an NCAA official decided that would make a better photo opportunity.  She is a commentator for the news site Outkick.com, travels the nation as a speaker and supporter of girls in sports and schools, and takes part in legal challenges and political events.

Family Life Noon Report – 5/27/24

Family Life Noon Report – 5/27/24

Our Memorial Day edition of the Noon Report today includes special extended interviews with

  • Chaplain Nelson Chapman of the Erie Veterans Administration Hospital
  • Retired Army Reservist and V.A. Chaplain Bren Bishop
  • Vietnam-era Navy Medic Dan Miller, with the story of the National Cemetery in the Southern Tier
  • Pastor Scott Wise of Family Church Fredonia

The music included in these stories includes

  • Taps“, the Civil-War era song, played at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery
  • Journey Home“, a U.S. Army composer‘s song which is a tribute to her military grandfather, and all those who are brought home from battlefields to a hallowed resting place



Memorial Day 2024 – Special Feature – 5/27/24

Memorial Day 2024 – Special Feature – 5/27/24

Family Life has a special program for Memorial Day:

  • Emphasis on tributes of deceased military heroes (even more than a day off of work/school, and retail sales specials)
  • “Taps” and flag-folding rituals at military funerals
  • The history and significance of a National Cemetery
  • How Memorial Day can affect veterans who lost friends and colleagues in wartime and during deployments
  • A local pastor and a V-A chaplain reflect on the spiritual opportunities as we grieve and remember loved ones

Join Greg Gillispie and Bob Price at noon on Monday, as we tour Pennsylvania and New York for perspectives on Memorial Day.


(This Family Life News Special is also available on our podcast feeds, the Family Life Now mobile app, and you can download or share it from FamilyLife.org)

Can we even have conversations, in a contentious election year? – 5/14/23

Can we even have conversations, in a contentious election year? – 5/14/23

 “Don’t talk about Religion or Politics” …. so they say. 

But our guest on this Family Life News Feature says our faith can help us talk about tough topics — at work, with friends, and even in our families and congregations.


Focus on the Family counselor Joanie DeBrito offers advice for people who have strong opinions, but might feel afraid to raise an argument on political or social Hot Topics. She says it takes wisdom, humility and self-control. Also, Christians (and others) need to be discerning. With some people who don’t listen well and have no motivation to remain civil, it often is wise to decline to discuss elections and candidates. However, Dr. DeBrito says politics does not have to stay “off the table” if you and the other person are open to listening respectfully, being fair, and being both firm in your convictions and willing to learn something new.

How to have good conversations, even in a contentious election year and a divisive culture … today on this Family Life News podcast.


Dr. Joanie DeBrito is a coach at Hope Restored Aftercare and a columnist and consultant with Focus on the Family.  She has 30+ years experience as a therapist and counselor.

Here are links to her work at Hope Restored and Focus.

Some of her columns and blogs about marriage, parenting and family matters can be found here and here.




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