Staycation: The Jello Gallery & Museum – 7/26/24

Staycation: The Jello Gallery & Museum – 7/26/24

The JELL-O Gallery – Le Roy NY

It’s “Staycation Destinations” on Family Life

The hometown of Jell-O brand gelatin continues to celebrate the century-plus of fun, wiggly food.

The Le Roy Historical Society intentionally chose a more-fitting name for its museum — this is an art gallery. As you’ll hear in this podcast, some of the most prominent displays at the Jell-O Gallery are the forms of colorful and vibrant marketing which introduced the product to the American public, and demonstrated the ease of making instant Jell-O … so simple even a child could do it.

Listen as well for other parts of the history, and other parts of the displays which focus on vehicles and a wider view of Le Roy’s history.

The Jell-O Gallery is at 23 East Main Street in Le Roy, which is about halfway between Batavia and Rochester.


Here is the winner of their 2024 Photo Contest on the Gallery’s Facebook page:


“Staycation Destinations” airs Fridays on Family Life during the Noon Report and 5 O’Clock Report.

Each week, all summer long, we map out a unique opportunity for you to discover somewhere unique, in New York or Pennsylvania — fairly close to home, and fairly affordable.

Previous destinations are linked from www.FamilyLife.org/newspodcasts.

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