Tag: buffalo

Hometown Heroes – A Faith-Based “PATH” to fight human trafficking – 7/09/24

Hometown Heroes – A Faith-Based “PATH” to fight human trafficking – 7/09/24

It’s “Hometown Heroes” on Family Life

This week’s guest on “Hometown Heroes” is Julie Palmer of PATH — a faith-based organization which fights against human trafficking in western New York.

P.A.T.H. is People Against Trafficking Humans and is headquartered at Depew NY.

Their programs offer prevention, education and restoration. The Enrichment Center in Buffalo offers practical support to any adult or youth who has become a victim of crime, assault, domestic violence, sex trafficking or labor trafficking.

They offer a 24/7 line for voice calls and texts: 716-601-5678. The website is pathofwny.org.

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PATH sponsors a Community Awareness Event and Luncheon on July 30. That day will feature displays created by some of the people who have escaped from their captivity by traffickers. Information is here.

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Hometown Heroesis a Tuesday Family Life News feature which seeks out people who, individually or through their groups and organizations, are active with bringing about positive change in their local communities.

Your host is Family Life News Anchor Mark Webster. Subscribe to this podcast to get an update each time a new episode is posted. You can search through and listen to archives at www.FamilyLife.org/NewsPodcasts.


Eight Days of Hope – Quick response to tornadoes – 5/07/24

Eight Days of Hope – Quick response to tornadoes – 5/07/24

“God has given us the opportunity to love and serve the brokenhearted.”

The “Eight Days of Hope” ministry is on the scene where tornadoes created multiple disaster zones in the past couple of weeks.

New-York-based Steve Tybor gives us an update on how the volunteers and equip get mobilized, to respond to the tangible needs while also bringing Christian hope.

Tybor tells Family Life’s Mark Webster about the midwestern response, their efforts to shelter young women caught up in human trafficking, and the upcoming annual trip to Buffalo for a week-plus of work in neighborhoods in need. This is the fifth year for the Buffalo projects — in the previous four, they have rehabbed homes of 1,200 families. Individuals, couples and families can participate in that work, even for fewer than eight days.

The national “Eight Days” effort has involved 60,000 volunteers.

Hometown Heroes – Living on the streets, with Eric Johns – 11/14/23 (#2)

Hometown Heroes – Living on the streets, with Eric Johns – 11/14/23 (#2)

Family Life’s “Hometown Heroes

This week’s Hometown Heroes continues our conversation with Buffalo Pastor Eric Johns.

This will be his 25th and final year of living on the streets for a full week, getting the experience of homelessness first-hand. As he prepares to retire, his sons will follow in his footsteps. There are other ministry colleagues, young people influenced by the Buffalo Dream Center’s inner city ministries, and other church members who are now motivated by his example.

Hear more about how the Lord has used and expanded such outward-focused work here in Part 2 of our “Hometown Heroes” feature.

Part 1 of this conversation is also easy to find here on our News Podcasts page.

“Hometown Heroes” happens during the Family Life Noon report most Tuesdays, online and on the air. Your host is Family Life news anchor Mark Webster.


Hometown Heroes – Buffalo Dream Center starts the Curbside Church – 11/07/23

Hometown Heroes – Buffalo Dream Center starts the Curbside Church – 11/07/23

Family Life’s “Hometown Heroes

A quarter-century ago, Pastor Eric Johns experienced what he is convinced was a God Moment.

That year, and in each of the 25 since, the pastor of the Buffalo Dream Center has lived as a homeless person for a week, taking a backpack and a sleeping bag with him. In part he wanted the first-hand experience of “living outside”. In part he sensed a calling to connect with people who also were living on the streets.

In this Family Life Interview, Pastor Johns tells the genesis of the mission and evangelistic outreach which became the “Curbside Church“, the church’s efforts to provide gifts for children at Christmastime, and the unique man he met who was the only person who was opposed to Eric Johns spending a homeless week.

Find out more about their “Boxes of Love” here. Pastor Johns also produces a podcast entitled “Building Your Life”.

“Hometown Heroes” happens during the Family Life Noon report most Tuesdays, online and on the air.

Special Feature – Damar Hamlin, America, the Power of Public Prayer – 02/07/23

Special Feature – Damar Hamlin, America, the Power of Public Prayer – 02/07/23

Summit MinistriesFootball kicks off renewed public prayer

Dr. Jeff Myers, founder of Summit Ministries returns to Family Life to discuss Summit’s recent public poll that proved two out of three Americans believe public prayer has value and is effective. The poll was triggered by the outpouring of prayer and faith conversations when Buffalo Bills defender Damar Hamlin had a nationally-broadcast cardiac arrest in early January.

Now this week, Myers tells us how an awareness that people of faith are in a large majority should given Christians the confidence and boldness to speak about and live out their faith, unintimidated by the 5-8% of people who want to shut down truth.

More about Summit Ministries’ outreach to the younger generation — and details about this helpful survey — can be found here.




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