Tag: Christmas

The History of the Nativity Scene – a Family Life Christmas Special – 12/21/23

The History of the Nativity Scene – a Family Life Christmas Special – 12/21/23



What we know as the traditional Christmas Nativity Scene turns 800 this year.

In December of the year 1223, Saint Francis of Assisi displayed the first creche in a cave in Italy.


Today on Family Life’s Noon Report, we hear some of the history of this display of the people — and animals — which were part of the original Christmas celebration a dozen centuries earlier. Reporter Lauren Guillen has studied the history of how the Nativity Scenes built upon some similar artwork of earlier years, but caught on to be a global aspect of how the birth of Jesus is commemorated — even with some localized varieties.

Guillen also authored the young-adult novel A Bellwether Christmas, set in medieval Italy, where her main character overlaps with Francis’ era. Her book speaks to the way the Christ Child’s arrival encourages love, honor and sacrifice.

Single at Christmas? – Lisa Karr – 12/19/23

Single at Christmas? – Lisa Karr – 12/19/23

Christmastime has a great magical atmosphere for large swaths of the population.

However, this holiday season — with its emphasis on children and traditional families — can bring mixed blessings and mixed reactions for people who are single.

Amid that, unmarried folks can create unique perspectives that allow them to fully celebrate the season, as Jesus came to bring Good News to all people. Radio host Lisa Karr joins Family Life’s Bob Price for an important conversation during our Tuesday Noon Report. If you or someone you know is single — or otherwise feeling alone — listen and share this inspiration. If you are involved in a congregation, Karr also has encouragement (and a personal story) about how churches can be attentive to choices that are “singles friendly”, especially at this time of the year.


New York native Lisa Karr hosts the program “Not Just Single“, which can be heard on the air and online on Family Life. Archives of “Not Just Single” are available here. These stories, insights and commentaries can be heard, shared or downloaded from FamilyLife.org.

Peace & Joy for your Family Gatherings – 12/14/23

Peace & Joy for your Family Gatherings – 12/14/23

Reduce the stress of December’s family gatherings

Millions of families will gather over the next two weeks — and for significant percentage of those, family stresses may weigh down these holiday get-togethers.

We asked the director of counseling at Focus on the Family how people can set the stage to make family events more joyful and peaceful. Geremy Keeton gave us three areas for specific preparation and healthy perspectives.

He encourages individuals and families to set basic expectations and boundaries – avoiding conversations (or worse) which center on current family stresses, political or social debates, or personality conflicts. There are ways that people who disagree – or have strong dilemmas with others who will be there – can tone down the controversies and celebrate common interests and shared experiences.


Real Answers – Less stress & More grace for December – 12/13/23

Real Answers – Less stress & More grace for December – 12/13/23

Real Answers” on Family Life

Our “Real Answers” feature brings you practical ways to stay Balanced amid the Busyness of December.

For so many of us, this month gets overfilled with tasks, but Christian Counselor Christopher Anderson has real-world steps to keep yourself, your children and your marriage grace-filled and Christ-centered this month. How can you stay on schedule, stay within your budget, and stay playful within your family?

“Real Answers” is one of our Wednesday news features during the Family Life Noon Report, on air and online. You can also hear Anderson’s analysis and recommendations in some of our other newscasts and on our “News Podcasts” page.





Issues in Education – 12/11/23

Issues in Education – 12/11/23

This week, on “Issues in Education” from Family Life News:

  • Why Homework Matters
  • Students’ Test Scores
  • Celebrating Christmas in the Public School

Dr. Ralph Kerr with the Teaching and Learning Institute is on a mission to get more Christians involved in public education.  Dr. Kerr (a former principal and superintendent, and now a consultant on local and state educational matters) talks each Monday about issues impacting the classroom with Family Life’s Bob Price.




Hometown Heroes – Arctic League Charity – 11/28/23

Hometown Heroes – Arctic League Charity – 11/28/23

Hometown Heroes” on Family Life

An organization which will provide gifts for 3,000 children in the month ahead has a goal to assure that every child in their county receives a gift at Christmastime.

This year’s president of the Arctic League is Scott Heffner. He gives us the impressive history of the organization — this is its 111th year! He also talks about the logistics and fundraising which happen throughout December and throughout the year, to raise its budget of $175,000.


A Family Life Special – Previewing this holiday season – 11/24/23

A Family Life Special – Previewing this holiday season – 11/24/23

Various angles today, about how the “holiday season” affects various people.

It’s an insightful half-hour with four special guests:

  • Financial expert Rachel Cruze offers her personal stories and professional recommendations on shopping and budgeting between now and Christmas. It’s OK — it’s even good — to be generous at this time of year. She cautions, though, that overspending and reliance on “stuff” to bring joy is misguided and harmful.
  • New York Pastor Dave Bretch offers those of us in America a perspective of what Christmas will be like in the Holy Land. He has led tours of the region where Jesus was born, as well as offering glimpses of U.S. and world history of Christmastime during wartime. For 2023, because of the war and terrorism in the region, the town of Bethlehem has already announced that all Christmas celebrations and events there for 2023 have been called off, to keep locals and visitors safe.
  • Another pastor in the Family Life listening area, Eric Johns, has first-hand insights of living on the streets as wintry weather begins to set in. He wraps up a 25-year string of spending Thanksgiving Week abiding with neighbors who are homeless for the holidays. Johns is involved with a congregation which has a heart for reaching out to those without a family, without a home, and (sometimes) without hope. Like many other churches, this congregation emphasizes how to share food, clothing and other items with people in need around them.
  • Jessica Meade, a Christian counselor in Pennsylvania, talks about personal and family expectations of what we think December and Christmas “should” be like. When it has been a hard year, or the circumstances of a family changes, people can drag themselves down when their holidays don’t feel like the happy Christmas movies or the stereotypical Christmas cards — let alone our own memories of good old days. She offers advice and practical steps to let loose of some traditions, find camaraderie with others who are living out a “Blue Christmas”, and ways to rediscover true wonder and joy, in anticipation of the Gospel story.

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