Tag: #families

Inside Out – “Elder Isolation” -7/24/24

Inside Out – “Elder Isolation” -7/24/24

“Elder Isolation”

Family Life’s “Inside Out” News Feature

Nearly a quarter of adults 65 and older are socially isolated. In today’s Inside Out podcast, author and speaker Jen Pollock Michel talks about some of the causes of elder isolation, and encourages Christians to help prevent elderly friends and loved ones from feeling alone.   

Martha talks with Jen Pollock Michel about elder isolation

Nearly a quarter of adults 65 and older are socially isolated, according to the Centers for Disease Control. And social isolation, studies show, increases the risk of hospitalization and a host of serious health conditions, including dementia and depression. “I think there are a lot of reasons why older people get isolated, and one thing I’ve really grown to appreciate is just how devastating it is,” says author and speaker Jen Pollock Michel, whose family moved to live closer to her aging mother.

Michel points to a number of reasons elderly people can grow isolated. Michel’s mother, for instance, became more isolated when her husband’s Parkinson’s Disease made it difficult for the couple to leave their apartment. Others find that the inability to drive isolates them, especially when there’s no accessible public transportation to fill in the gap. People can also withdraw socially when hearing or memory loss make it hard to participate in conversation.

“All of these capacities that enable us to get out of our house, or maybe invite people into our homes–when those diminish, isolation follows” Michel says.

Michel offers encouragement to those who care for and regularly visit the elderly people in their lives.  “It is good work,” she says. “And I think if you know it’s good, you know it’s valuable, and most importantly, you know it’s God-honoring, then that provides the motivation that you need to keep doing it when it’s hard. And you have to lay hold of that.”

 And it can be hard. So Michel suggests that caregivers ask for help. Getting a network of support, I think, is one thing that I would say, because you can’t do everything all alone,” she says. “I allow myself to just be very human in the task. Depending on God as much as I can. You know, abiding in Christ—the foundation of the Christian life.”

God is the stamina giver and also the model. When we spend time with someone who has been isolated, we are imitating Jesus.  “God clothed Himself with flesh and took up the loving act of presence,” she reminds us. “That’s where we discover God’s heart for us and live out of His love for other people.”

Learn more about Jen Pollock Michel at JenPollockMichel.com.


“Inside Out” — and all of Family Life’s podcasts and features are available — to download, share or subscribe. Visit FamilyLife.org/newspodcastsYou can also hear them during the Family Life Noon Report on the air and streaming online.


Staycation – PA Trolley Museum – 7/19/24

Staycation – PA Trolley Museum – 7/19/24

It’s Staycation Destinations on Family Life

We take a Trolley to this week’s Staycation Destination.

The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum offers a ride into pre-automobile history. Most people think of the Land of Make-Believe in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood when they think of trolleys. However, the electrified mode of transportation was real-world big business, shaped the development of metro areas, and expanded ways people could go beyond their neighborhoods to go to work, medical appointments and social events.

Volunteer tour guide Gary Malaskovitz gives Greg Gillispie and our listeners a vision of that history, plus a ride on one of the nine fully-restored trolleys which still offer rides to the museum’s visitors (and guests of the annual Washington County Fair!). You’ll also hear from some of the children who enjoyed a simulator which allows them to drive a trolley.

In addition to what aired during our Family Life Noon Report, you also have bonus content where Malaskovitz talks more about what young families enjoy about the Trolley Museum (many are fans of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Donkey Hodie and Thomas the Tank Engine) — plus his own story, growing up and riding the trolleys of Pittsburgh.

The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum is at 1 Electric Way in Washington, Pennsylvania. During the summer, it is closed Mondays, but open on holidays. Outside of summer, the museum operates Friday through Sunday. Their website is at www.PA-trolley.org.

Real Answers – Young People and Those Devices – 7/17/24

Real Answers – Young People and Those Devices – 7/17/24

Real Answers – Children, Families, Cell Phones – 7/17/24

Today: Questions about “questionable” content coming across the mobile devices of children and teens.

New York-based Counselor Christopher Anderson offers some advice for parents and families. Particularly this week, many children were viewing images, videos and reports about the shooting of Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally — often without perspective or support from an adult.

Beyond that immediate incident, young people who use cell phones have access to media files and content which families may consider inappropriate — or at least, not fitting for the age or maturity level of a child or teen.

Anderson walks, step by step, how to shepherd your kids and teens from social media, difficult images, and hard news.  Anderson says families need open communication, good standards on the use of electronic devices, and — most importantly — an ongoing assurance that the child or teen is valued and loved, by the parent and by the Lord.


“Real Answers” is the Family Life News feature which helps people tackle the tough topics families face. Licensed Mental Health Counselor Christopher Anderson offers his perspectives twice a month, Wednesdays during the Noon Report and on this Family Life News podcast.  Sarah Harnisch is your host.




An additional resource: Research from Stanford Medical

National Soaring Museum – Elmira NY – Staycation Destinations – 7/05/24

National Soaring Museum – Elmira NY – Staycation Destinations – 7/05/24

National Soaring Museum – Elmira NY – Staycation Destinations

The Soaring Museum is an interesting placed to visit any time, but the week ahead (July 6-13) has a unique event while comes to our listening area only once every four years.


Some two dozen motorless aircraft “descend” on Elmira, New York for the International Vintage Sailplane Meet. The event is free and open to the public.

Sailplanes are more than “gliders”. Gliders are towed into the air and remain aloft only as long as they can resist gravity. Sailplanes though are specially engineered to catch the updrafts and wind currents so they can stay aloft much longer.

Local aviation historian Traff Doherty is our guest for this week’s “Staycation Destinations”. He provides:

  • details about the experiences for spectators of the Sailplane Meet
  • history of how the unpowered planes were used, especially in wartime
  • why Harris Hill and Elmira became the center of the national Sailplane community
  • more about the National Soaring Museum, for anyone who wants to visit — during the Meet, or beyond those eight days


For further information:

This month’s Sailplane Meet:  details about July 6-13

National Soaring Museum:  guest information (the museum is open year-round, Wednesdays through Sundays)

America’s “Soaring Capital”:  the history of how motorless aviation developed in the Elmira region

The U.S. Soaring Hall of Fame:  the people & their stories

Real Answers – Reducing Anxiety in our Children – 6/05/24

Real Answers – Reducing Anxiety in our Children – 6/05/24

Real Answers” on Family Life

How parents can reduce stress and anxiety in our children and teens

“You are the parent. You will be your child’s strongest influence, and that is a mantle you really need to take up.”


Christian counselor Christopher Anderson explores how your family be a positive influence on young people who are facing social anxiety, cultural stresses, and the everday growing pains of growing up.

Some of his recommendations:

  • Spend intentional quality time with children (even as young as toddlers). Do meaningful activities and have meaningful conversations with your children and teens
  • Ask them specifically if there are any matters that are raising internal concerns for them — from school, with friends, anywhere
  • Choose the information intake flooding into their lives:  reduce the clutter of e-device information, and increase age-appropriate emphasis on Scriptures


Real Answers is one of our Wednesday News Features from Family Life News — from our radio broadcasts, app streaming, and website downloads.

Real Answers – continuing our conversation about “Raising Sons” – 5/15/24

Real Answers – continuing our conversation about “Raising Sons” – 5/15/24

Raising children is a delight and a challenge. Parenting is one of the most important tasks in all of life for those who are given this privilege.

Daughters also rely on uplifting upbringings, yet today we focus on boys.  What is unique about raising sons?


On this edition of Family Life’s “Real Answers“, therapeutic counselor Christopher Anderson offers Christian areas of emphasis for parents. These apply, whatever your son’s/sons’ age, whether you are married or a single parent, and whether you are a dad or a mom or a grandparent:

  •  The urgency of giving your children, especially sons, a deepening understanding of Jesus and of grace
  •  How vital it is for male and female parents to visibly live out your faith, and explain why the Lord improves your own life
  •  Connect your son with other men who are faithful adult role models
  •  The story of a valuable $50 bill



This podcast is the second of a two-part series on this important topic

Chris Anderson and Sarah Harnisch also talked about encouragement and advice for raising sons on our “Real Answers” feature earlier this month. Hear part one of that interview here.



“Real Answers” is one of our extended interviews on Wednesdays from Family Life News. Listen for it online, on our app and on the radio during the Family Life Noon Report

Podcast versions of all Family Life News Features are available for 24/7 listening, sharing, subscribing and downloading. You can find them on our website or search “Family Life News” on your favorite podcast app.

Can we even have conversations, in a contentious election year? – 5/14/23

Can we even have conversations, in a contentious election year? – 5/14/23

 “Don’t talk about Religion or Politics” …. so they say. 

But our guest on this Family Life News Feature says our faith can help us talk about tough topics — at work, with friends, and even in our families and congregations.


Focus on the Family counselor Joanie DeBrito offers advice for people who have strong opinions, but might feel afraid to raise an argument on political or social Hot Topics. She says it takes wisdom, humility and self-control. Also, Christians (and others) need to be discerning. With some people who don’t listen well and have no motivation to remain civil, it often is wise to decline to discuss elections and candidates. However, Dr. DeBrito says politics does not have to stay “off the table” if you and the other person are open to listening respectfully, being fair, and being both firm in your convictions and willing to learn something new.

How to have good conversations, even in a contentious election year and a divisive culture … today on this Family Life News podcast.


Dr. Joanie DeBrito is a coach at Hope Restored Aftercare and a columnist and consultant with Focus on the Family.  She has 30+ years experience as a therapist and counselor.

Here are links to her work at Hope Restored and Focus.

Some of her columns and blogs about marriage, parenting and family matters can be found here and here.



Protests, Back to Basics, and more “Issues in Education” – 5/06/24

Protests, Back to Basics, and more “Issues in Education” – 5/06/24

Mondays on the Family Life Noon Report, public schools advocate Dr. Ralph Kerr talks about the “Issues in Education” for Pennsylvania, New York, and the nation.

This week’s topics:

  • College Protest Reaction
  • FAFSA Glitches and their Implications
  • Leveling the Playing Field in High School Sports
  • NY’s “Back to Basics” Reading Program
  • Wells College Closing


Family Life’s “Issues in Educationis available on the air, from our webpage, and wherever you listen to or download podcasts.

Dr. Ralph Kerr was a longtime principal and superintendent. He founded the Teaching and Learning Institute to encourage people of faith to run for school boards, be involved in local education, and stay informed about how to support students and teachers. TLI is online at WhyRun.org.

Raising Boys – Family Life’s Real Answers – 05/01/24

Raising Boys – Family Life’s Real Answers – 05/01/24

It’s “Real Answers” on Family Life

Raising boys affects sons, families and cultures.

Christian counselor Christopher Anderson offers tangible, specific areas of emphasis for parents — which also apply to other influential males in these families, churches and community groups:

  • Control the role of tech in the child’s or teen’s life
  • Connect with a congregation which sees ministry to growing boys and young men as a vibrant priority
  • Adult men lead as role models, so set a Godly example with your own life
  • “Nudge instead of judge”


First is the first of a two-part series on raising sons. Hear more about this important topic on Part Two, which aired May 15.  That is also available on our News Podcasts page.



“Real Answers” is a Wednesday news feature from Family Life News. In addition to airing during the Family Life Noon Report, a podcast version is available for 24/7 listening, sharing, subscribing and downloading.





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