Vote Your Faith – Chris Leader on an effort to boost Christian turnout at the ballot box – 9/05/24

Vote Your Faith – Chris Leader on an effort to boost Christian turnout at the ballot box – 9/05/24

A Christian leader, named Chris Leader, is on a 100-day countdown to encourage evangelical Christians to register to vote this fall.

The “separation of church and state” isn’t in the U.S. Constitution, not in that form anyway.  But Chris Leader says many people of faith separate themselves from political and social involvement. His effort “Vote Your Faith” is trying to change that.

In this conversation with Family Life’s Greg Gillispie, Leader explains how some Christians are being intimidated, so they avoid voting, politicking, or even speaking out on the issues in the nation and in the local community. He points to Biblical motivation to get registered, plus how a better turnout of Christian voters could quickly solve many of the current problems in our culture.

Vote Your Faith offers inspiration, resources and tools to help improve the ratio of faithful Christians who participate in campaigns and elections. (Some surveys show that 25 to 33 percent of evangelicals stay away from the polls on Election Day).



As of the date of this Family Life Newsmaker Interview (9/05/2024), Chris Leader is about one-third of the way through his 100 Day Countdown to November 5th . He posts a new commentary each day.

Here are links to those (soon to be) 100 commentaries and the Vote Your Faith website.





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