Issues in Education – 10/14/24

Issues in Education – 10/14/24


“Issues in Education”

Retired school principal and superintendent Ralph Kerr joins us for the Monday Family Life News Feature “Issues in Education”.

This week:

  • Teacher shortages, already significant, are magnified by the number of immigrant children who entered the U.S. in recent years
  • School districts are hamstrung by the multiple languages spoken by their young newcomers, many of whom are not (yet) proficient in English
  • Whether public schools and parochial schools should compete together or have separate leagues and championships — That debate is renewed again
  • How will public schools be affected, depending on whether a majority of New York voters approve or vote against Proposition One on this fall’s ballots



Dr. Ralph Kerr founded the Teaching and Learning Institute, based in Houghton, NY.  TLI has its mission to influence Pennsylvania’s and New York’s public schools with increased involvement by people traditional family values and Judeo-Christian beliefs.







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