Tag: health

Living with ALS – We hear from a military veteran – 7/15/24

Living with ALS – We hear from a military veteran – 7/15/24

Living with ALS – We hear from a military veteran

Tens of thousands of Americans deal with the challenges brought on by ALS — Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis — also known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”.

Research shows that people who served in the military are at a higher risk of developing ALS, although it is not yet known what causes this trend.

Elizabeth Fassler is one of those veterans living with ALS. She and her friend Shannon McCarthy discuss the disease, treatments and priorities — and how friends, families and caregivers can be most helpful.


SCOTUS ruling on FDA “Mail-Order Mifepristone” – 6/24/24

SCOTUS ruling on FDA “Mail-Order Mifepristone” – 6/24/24

A Special Family Life Interview

The U.S. Supreme Court, at least temporarily, has allowed continued mail-order distribution of abortion-inducing pills. A group of pro-life physicians had sued to stop the practice, after FDA regulations were revised to eliminate a requirement to meet with a doctor before starting the process to end the pregnancy. The latest FDA rules say even a video visit with a prescriber is no longer needed.

Opponents of widespread use of the two-pill “cocktail” of Mifepristone and Misoprostal quote the FDA’s own statistics that 1 of every 25 women who take these drugs end up in an emergency department with complications. Other physical and emotional-health consequences are likely more numerous.

Attorney Katie Daniel of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America gave Family Life News her reaction to the SCOTUS decision, predictions on where the case goes next, and why these pills can be so harmful to women, especially with no required followup with a medical professional.


For further information:

  • More from Katie Daniel: In-depth polling, conducted by CRC Research for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, reveals that 75% of Americans believe the FDA should have performed studies focused on girls under the age of 18 before approving these pills for minors.
  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: That organizations official website
  • SBA on WPLG: Women’s safety, in light of sexual trafficking and domestic abusers
  • Click the picture of the Court building to read the full June 13 decision.
Hometown Heroes – Hannah Farley – 3/12/24

Hometown Heroes – Hannah Farley – 3/12/24

Hannah Farley is the Community Outreach Manager for the University of Rochester Cancer Services Program of the Finger Lakes Region.

For more information on available services, visit their website.

Family Life’s “Hometown Heroes” interviews intriguing people from throughout Pennsylvania and New York who carry out inspirational, life-changing work. Tap the Hometown Heroes icon for more of these features.


Rural Cancer Screening – Hometown Heroes – 3/12/24

Rural Cancer Screening – Hometown Heroes – 3/12/24

Hometown Heroes” from Family Life

Hannah Farley does outreach to encourage people who are 45 and older to get checked for early signs of cancer.

In this Family Life News interview, she says some residents of rural areas have a bias which prevents them from wanting to get cancer screening.  Farley finds though that it is productive to reinterpret the question as a “stewardship of your body” and to encourage you to ponder how the people around you rely on your presence — “you are a gift to your family”.

In this week’s edition of “Hometown Heroes”, you will hear about success stories through this program across its three decades. The CSP team can help individuals get screened, even if they don’t have current health insurance or feel there are other barriers.

Farley is the Community Outreach Manager for the Cancer Screening Program in the Finger Lakes region of New York.


Step Up Your Health – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual – 3/06/24

Step Up Your Health – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual – 3/06/24


Your mental health affects your physical health.

A body’s malady affects mental and spiritual health.

Stress plays out in tangible symptoms and increased risk of disease.

Our guest on this Family Life News Feature is one of three speakers at the “Step Up Your Health” one-day seminar at the Family Life auditorium on Saturday, March 9.

Dr. Josephine Ellis says human beings are created as one unified whole. Our bodies, minds and souls all interact with and affect each other. She tells us that the epidemic of mental health concerns is real. Stress at home, in relationships or at work also play out in physical ways.

She offers advice for people looking to enhance your health. Dr. Ellis seeks to emphasize “good health” as more than the absence of disease, but as the positive presence of good health and uplifting habits. In this podcast, she describes what she describes at the “Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine”. To make these lifestyle changes happen long-term, she says a person should focus on one small habit and let it grow into new patterns.

Dr. Ellis encourages all patients to openly discuss not only physical health, but when you go for an annual checkup or another office visit, to talk about how you are doing emotionally and mentally. 


Details about this event, including availability of remaining tickets are available online at FamilyLife.org/events. If you are not attending, or listening to this podcast after March 9, Dr. Ellis still has important information and advice that continues to have value for your consideration.

2024, A Preview – Special Edition of the Noon Report – 01/02/24

2024, A Preview – Special Edition of the Noon Report – 01/02/24

With the start of this new year, what can we expect for 2024?

What are some decisions we can make now — regarding our personal health, our pocketbooks, and our politics?

Bob Price, anchor of the Family Life Noon Report, hosts this special 2024 preview. Included in this half hour:

  • MONEY: Grove City Economics Professor Shawn Ritenour analyzes trends for consumers and the overall economy expected for 2024 — dollars and cents for the new year
  • CULTURE: Commentator John Stonestreet says problems with responsible free speech go beyond a few Ivy League presidents, but all of higher education needs to be watched
  • POLITICS: Big issues coming up in this election year in Harrisburg, Albany and the entire USA, including analysis by retired Political Science Professor Steve Coleman
  • HEALTH: Encouragement for your 2024 fitness, faith and fortitude for 2024 — from Christian fitness expert Tom Nicolla (who also tells us his inspirational personal story, fighting through a childhood disease and recovery from a delibitating mountain biking accident)


Incurable Faith – Joy amid Longsuffering – Andrea Herzer (#2) – 11/16/23

Incurable Faith – Joy amid Longsuffering – Andrea Herzer (#2) – 11/16/23

Family Life’s “Faith Under Fire

Andrea Herzer has been journaling about her life with multiple illnesses, debilitating health issues, and a strong inspiring reliance on God. She compiled those writings into a devotional book to encourage others who are looking for that pathway to a life that overflows with the Lord’s sustaining love — no matter what happens with pain, or healing, or suffering, or loss.

Her book’s title recognizes the way that some diagnoses are labeled “incurable”. Yet, she emphasizes that hope and peace can infuse people who face cancer, chronic pain, multiple surgeries, a long convalescence, or any other health issue. Incurable Faith is a partner along that long journey.

This is our second conversation with Herzer. In this interview, she talks about her early days of waiting for healing, as she first sought a return to “normal”. That process of waiting and healing and abiding has now stretched across 20 years. Weaving together her experience and multiple Biblical truths, she offers what she has learned about keeping your spirit at peace. She also encourages caregivers and family members who accompany patients through such processes.

Also: what friends and visitors from church do that is very unhelpful — plus recommendations on ways to be incredibly helpful amid the patience, impatience and loneliness of longsuffering.


You can also listen to our first conversation with Andrea Herzer, and you’ll find resources she recommends.


Resources and background:


Faith Under Fire – Medical Authoritarianism – 11/09/23

Faith Under Fire – Medical Authoritarianism – 11/09/23

Two years ago, there was a split among public opinion about the efficacy of Covid-19 protection methods. <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/group-scientists-workers-holding-tubes_7333734.htm#query=group%20scientists&position=4&from_view=keyword&track=ais">Image by pikisuperstar</a> on Freepik

Now, our guest contends that even more widespread distrust of public health officials bodes a dangerous future, should another widespread epidemic arise.

A Christian psychology professor says the challenge came when scientists went beyond measuring and analyzing data, also making decisions which should be the prerogative of the elected leaders, or of the people.  Luke Conway is on the faculty of Grove City College. He says it became hard to “follow the science” when some of the scientists were against doing good science by refusing to consider other scientific evidence and other researchers’ observations. Conway contends that most of those who lean into authoritarianism, censorship or name-calling are primarily motivated by fear. He quotes Scripture that “perfect love casts out fear.” [1 John 4:8]

In this Family Life Interview, he also emphasizes the roles for politicians and the general public to take all the available information — from all angles and emphases — and come up with the best decisions. He ends the conversation with his prescription for navigating social strife and cultural disagreements. A Christ-mandated involvement will bring about restoration, consensus and hope — when people of faith start with a good dose of humility, a commitment to love those who disagree, and seek the best welfare of the city, nation or community.


“Early in the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci is reported to have said to Donald Trump: “I just do medical advice. I don’t think about things like the economy and the secondary impacts. I’m just an infectious diseases doctor. Your job as president is to take everything else into consideration.”  —Luke G. Conway, writing for the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City, PA. His full essay on the topic (using a sports rulebook analogy) is e-published here.

Luke Conway is also a fellow at the Institute for Faith and Freedom, and frequently writes about academic research and socio-political trends.


Faith Under Fire – Parental Rights v. Transgender Sanctuary – 03/09/23

Faith Under Fire – Parental Rights v. Transgender Sanctuary – 03/09/23

 The divergent positions on medical treatments and procedures related to a person’s physical gender expression continue to bring debate and legislative battles. While some conservative-led states have restricted such gender-related procedures for minor children, a bill (SB-107) in the California State Senate wants to make California a place where surgeries, puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and other gender-changing medical procedures can be provided for children and teens– all without permission from those minors’ parents.

A California Christian ministry filed a preemptive lawsuit to stop the state from offering such treatments to children from other states, while blocking those parents from access to their own children’s medical information.

Mariah Gendeiro, an attorney from Advocates for Faith and Freedom, talks about the case, how to honor parents’ rights across state lines, and her take on why transgender issues have grown to such public prominence so quickly.


Hometown Heroes – Patrick Perl – 03/07/23

Hometown Heroes – Patrick Perl – 03/07/23

An New York-based nurse received a prestigious national award for his attention care of patients’ emotional needs, while they were hospitalized to care for their physical needs during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Patrick Perl, RN, was honored as National Front Line Clinical Nurse of the Year by Press Ganey, a national provider of services to the healthcare industry. The judging panel unanimously chose Perl for the award among all the nominees from across the country. He is a Cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist at Elmira’s Arnot Ogden Medical Center.

Patrick was nominated by Arnot Ogden’s managers for his commitment to care innovation, transformation, and collaboration. The nurse led the “Share the Light – Shine the Light” program, an initiative to decorate the rooms of COVID patients with holiday lights, providing warmth and beauty in otherwise isolating spaces. The community rallied together, donating hundreds and hundreds of strands of lights, all attached with thank you cards for staff. In his own words, the goal of this initiative was to “band together and show our community hospital, our healthcare workers, and our patients that we care.”

He tells Family Life the story of his simple idea that spread from one hospital window — across the facility and into the Elmira community. Listen to this week’s edition of our “Hometown Heroes” feature.


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