Feature – How Often are Churches promoting Adoption and Foster Care? – 06/21/23

Feature – How Often are Churches promoting Adoption and Foster Care? – 06/21/23

Christian agencies and Christian households have been, for centuries, leaders in providing care, love and nurture for children who do not have another safe home.

Where do people of faith get motivated to do so?  Often, from their congregations.

Lifeway Research surveyed American Christians about how often they hear about adoption and foster care from their churches’ leaders and programs. Executive Director Scott McConnell joins Greg Gillispie to talk about what their researchers found, plus how that promotion of unique ministry to children and teens has changed in recent years. McConnell also offers analysis of how pastors and other church leaders can use these trends to encourage more support for the next generation, whether it is a family exploring whether and how to be adoptive parents and siblings, or a foster family — or for those who need a different opportunity, options to support the young people and their new families in other ways.


This conversation is a timely companion to this week’s Family Life “Hometown Heroes”. Listen for that feature here, about a local angle on supporting foster kids and foster families. Foster Hope New York offers that kind of advocacy and encouragement in the Syracuse region and central New York.

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