Category: Terese Talk

Radio host Terese Main, encourages and challenges Christian women so they are equipped to better serve their families and communities around them.

066 Terese Talk: Friendship

066 Terese Talk: Friendship


Now that we’ve started gathering together again, you might be thinking more about friends. Over the past couple years, you probably have lost some relationships. And that’s ok. Sometimes friendships are for a season—and then we move on. You may have reevaluated other friendships. Maybe you found out people you were close to don’t think the same way you do. And maybe you’re ready for some new friendships. That’s fine too. Spring is a great time for all things new. What does the Bible say about friendships?

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

065 Terese Talk: Iron Sharpens Iron

065 Terese Talk: Iron Sharpens Iron

Proverbs 27:17 says: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. The idea is that in order to make yourself better, we need to help the people around us. This weekend, there’s a men’s conference in Buffalo, NY that keeps that scripture at its core. Pastor Kevin Maloney is one of the keynote speakers. He pastors Grace Road Church in Rochester, NY.

Find out more about the Iron Sharpens Iron event here.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

064 Terese Talk: Out of the Dark

064 Terese Talk: Out of the Dark

It’s in the hardest times of life that we learn so much about God. It’s not easy. But it’s always fruitful. Grammy-winner Mandisa has been open about sharing her battle with the darkness. As she was grieving the death of a friend, she found herself in a fierce battle with depression. In her new book, Out of the Dark, she shows that our choice to trust God can not only overcome our need to understand why bad things happen, but can help us to embrace a life of joy and freedom.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

063 Terese Talk: I Surrender All (Sort Of)

063 Terese Talk: I Surrender All (Sort Of)

Why is surrender so hard? Many of us were forced in surrender over the past two years. There wasn’t much we could control. So, we laid it down. And picked it up again. Over and over. It’s a common problem in the church. A problem Michelle Lazurek was called to explore. Her new book is called “I Surrender All (Sort Of): Laying Down Your Plans So God can Do the Impossible.” She’s a Pennsylvania-based author and teacher—and also a pastor’s wife. Hear how her journey through anxiety has taught her that when we have nothing left, that’s when God does mighty work. Find out more about her ministry here.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

062 Terese Talk: A Confident Mom

062 Terese Talk: A Confident Mom

When we first start our motherhood journey, few of us have confidence. But everything we need to raise our children has been given to us by God. We just need to see Him and His will. Renee Swope has written a book called, “A Confident Mom.” She shares what she has learned over the course of parenting her kids. Find out more about the book here.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

061 Terese Talk: Memorizing Scripture

061 Terese Talk: Memorizing Scripture

Scripture. It’s God’s love letter to us. It’s how He speaks to us. It’s our guide for right living. It’s so much more! And we’re supposed to know it. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” When we know God’s Word, and can recall it at a moment, we are better prepared to live in a way that glorifies Him. In this episode, hear three tips to help you keep scripture at the tip of your tongue.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

060 Terese Talk: What Is Love?

060 Terese Talk: What Is Love?

Love is in the air. You’ve probably seen in at every store you’ve been in over the past month. But God doesn’t look at love like we do. While it can be sweet, there is no chocolate, or flowers. God’s love is more about how we treat one another. Let’s dig into how we all should love one another, through one of the most famous verses in the Bible.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

059 Terese Talk: Fighting Words

059 Terese Talk: Fighting Words

We’re in a battle. Every single day. It’s not like any war you’ve seen in the movies. Because we can’t see the enemy. And the battle is for your soul. God has equipped us with everything we need to fight…and to win. Scripture tells us the Bible is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. That’s from Hebrews 4. Today, we’ll hear from a woman who has put that weapon to the test. It’s Ellie Holcomb. She’s a musician, and a mom of three kids: ages 9, 6 and 3. It’s a busy season.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

058 Terese Talk: Spouse Day

058 Terese Talk: Spouse Day

National Spouses Day is on January 26th. It’s different than Valentine’s Day because it focuses on gratitude more than gifts. If you have a hard time coming up with something to be thankful for, I’m here to help. In this episode, you’ll hear five things to love and appreciate about your spouse—even when you don’t feel like it. It might just pave the way for the best Valentine’s Day ever!

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.

057 Terese Talk: Just Right

057 Terese Talk: Just Right

You know the story of Goldilocks–a little girl who struggles to find comforts that are “just right.” When we look at the Earth around us, we can’t help but think of God’s hand making it, because everything is “just right” for sustaining life. It’s a journey through Genesis–to find your purpose.

Terese Main is a wife, mom and social media addict. Above all, she loves Jesus. She co-hosts Family Life Mornings, which can be heard on radio stations across New York and Pennsylvania, and at www.familylife.org. She is a native of the Finger Lakes Region and a graduate of Ithaca College. It’s her heart’s desire to encourage others to live their lives fully in God’s blessing.


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