Hometown Heroes – A Faith-Based “PATH” to fight human trafficking – 7/09/24

Hometown Heroes – A Faith-Based “PATH” to fight human trafficking – 7/09/24

It’s “Hometown Heroes” on Family Life

This week’s guest on “Hometown Heroes” is Julie Palmer of PATH — a faith-based organization which fights against human trafficking in western New York.

P.A.T.H. is People Against Trafficking Humans and is headquartered at Depew NY.

Their programs offer prevention, education and restoration. The Enrichment Center in Buffalo offers practical support to any adult or youth who has become a victim of crime, assault, domestic violence, sex trafficking or labor trafficking.

They offer a 24/7 line for voice calls and texts: 716-601-5678. The website is pathofwny.org.

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PATH sponsors a Community Awareness Event and Luncheon on July 30. That day will feature displays created by some of the people who have escaped from their captivity by traffickers. Information is here.

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Hometown Heroesis a Tuesday Family Life News feature which seeks out people who, individually or through their groups and organizations, are active with bringing about positive change in their local communities.

Your host is Family Life News Anchor Mark Webster. Subscribe to this podcast to get an update each time a new episode is posted. You can search through and listen to archives at www.FamilyLife.org/NewsPodcasts.


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